7.Mending cars

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Taylor's POV

I woke up late, well not really late but in comparassment to the others, it was late. It was empty in the building as usual and I had nothing to do. I yawned and suddenly heard voices from the kitchen.

I began to get curious as I tip toed my way through the corridor as the voices became stronger. I couldn’t help it but I was so curious that I ease dropped just a little bit. 

"Bill I can’t stand her any more, she is… annoying!" An irritated voice said.

"Are you serious? She has done nothing wrong!" A gentle voice said, of course it belonged to Bill.

"I know but she is just… she’s so… I can’t control her!" The irritated voice said. I chuckled low to myself, No Tom you can’t control everybody, especially me, I thought satisfied as I grinned to myself.

"Yeah but it’s different right? Everybody always does what you want and just agrees with you" Bill said making Tom grunt and throw away something, which landed on the kitchen floor with a big smash

"I guess, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. She is always talking against me, trying to win over the argument, always wanting to disagree with me and never obeys me!" He grunted and slammed his fists against the kitchen table.

I jumped at the sudden noise and accidently hit a changing key as it clinged loudly and echoed as it touched the ground.

I bit my lip and cursed myself for being so clumsy. Bill and Tom stopped talking as I heard firm and determined footsteps, I was just about to run for my own rescue or how you may call it but they footsteps were faster. Tom stood with an angry face and clenched fists as Bill chuckled in the doorway as I was in a very awkward position with my body.

"Ehm hi" I said really embarrassed and pulled myself up in a normal standing position as I probably was blushing a bit.  I was going to get killed…

"You don’t eavesdrop on people" Tom growled and threat fully started to walk against me until Bill reached out an arm that stopped him. Tom shot his head at his brother and seemed to analyze if he would give him a punch in the face. Bill looked focused on Tom until he budged.

"Tom, chill, clearly she is a clumsy one" Bill said serious but I saw him pulling a smirk in the corner of his mouth. Tom stared at his brother and then shot me a deadly serious look as he grunted something and walked off back into his “private” room.

He walked in there almost every day when he didn’t have anything else to do, I was starting to get really curious of what was inside there.

"I’m sorry Bill, I didn’t mean to..." I started but he raised his hand and I shut up.

"It’s okay, but you have to understand that even if we are nice guys around you, we live a very dangerous life and don’t appreciate ease dropping, especially Tom" he explained serious but with a gentle tone. I had a strong urge to scoff at him, calling his brother a nice guy.

"I know and I’m sorry, I won’t do it again" I said and smiled back to him as he nodded.

"It’s hard to understand, but Tom has the most pressure on him. He is always the one who get’s the blame or even takes the blame when the rest of us do something wrong" Bill said hurt as he shot a look at the closed door where music was heard and Tom currently was in.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now