9.I could really use a wish right now

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Taylor’s POV

"Finally" Hiroshi said pleased as he pulled my aching arm on the soft spot as I unwillingly had to follow him. Hiroshi pulled me downstairs to the big garage where every gang member of the Asuka’s stood, ready.

There were almost 15 people standing, just waiting as I saw how someone whimpered. I turned my head and saw Mellie. She had tears streaming down her face as one of the big guys held her in a tight grip around her arms from behind.

I wanted to scream and just kick the smirk of everybody’s faces as I was being pinned back behind everybody by two of Hiroshi’s bodyguards as he took his place in front of the whole group.

Everybody tightened up as I saw Tom’s, Bill’s, Gustav’s, Georg’s and 3 other cars pulling up just outside the entrance of the garage as Hiroshi smiled huge.

Tom pulled up nearest as he flew out of it, taking strong steps towards Hiroshi. He had an intense angry expression in his face. He looked more angry than I’ve ever seen him as he always in some way held his composure.

"HIROSHI!" He yelled with a bitter tone and stopped a few meters ahead of him as Bill and the others backed him up.

"Tom, how nice of you to join us" he smirked as I saw Bill, Gustav and Georg flair with hatred.

"Where are they?!" Tom yelled again, staring at Hiroshi who started to take a few steps back and forth.

"Of whom, do you mean?" He said with a grin as Tom clenched his jaw together and tightened his fist as Bill cleared his throat, nodding towards Melli’s direction.

Tom looked in the direction and gave Bill a look as I was just shaking with anger. Couldn’t he see Me? I just wanted to kick the guys who were holding me and run to Tom and the others but they held me so tight I was about to cry in pain.

And then I realized what I just thought.

I wanted to Tom? I was confusing myself as I turned back to reality.

"Oh Mellie? Yeah she’s a very nice girl, but a bit boring" Hiroshi said careless and shook his shoulders as he snapped his fingers. The man who was holding Mellie let her go as she ran into Bill’s arms. He whispered something in her ear as he placed her behind him for protection.

Bill seemed more calm, and so did I, knowing that Mellie was out of harm. Tom twitched his head back to Hiroshi who was grinning proudly.

"Where is she?" Tom growled low and still stared at him with a vicious look.

"You’d like to now that, wouldn’t you?" Hiroshi chuckled pleased at his reaction. Tom was about to lunge for him but got held back by Georg who said something in his ear, making him calm down a bit.

"Give her to me, and nothing bad will happen" Tom said sharp as Hiroshi just chuckled. Hiroshi turned and gave me a glance as he nodded to the two big men holding me.

They suddenly started to pull and tug me towards Hiroshi as I tried to break loose but it was impossible. I looked at Tom who looked stone cold in his face, but in a bad way as I was handed over to Hiroshi who took a good grab around my arm, which hurt like never before.

"You mean this girl"? He asked Tom with a smirk as he started to nuzzle his face into my neck, glancing over at Tom’s reaction as he did that. I felt disgusted as his hot breath reached out over my neck. Tom was biting his jaw together so tight he must have broke some teethes.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now