15.I saw a star falling, it was me

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My heart was starting to bang in my chest at the sudden adrenaline. I was getting out! Suddenly as we were walking in a fast tempo I hear the roaring of an engine and it’s an engine I know all to well. I stopped walking as Reiko tugged my arm but stopped after me as well. I turned my head and saw Tom’s car pulling up between yelling and screaming people who he had pushed away with his vehicle. Tom twisted his head and saw us. The second his eyes turned to us, he clenched his jaw together and I saw evil flair in his eyes.

"Oh shit, we have to move!" Reiko yelled at me as he pulled me hard and we started to run. I ran as fast as I could as I heard Tom’s car spinning behind us, accelerating as it came closer and closer. He was going to hit us! I could almost feel the grill on his car at my legs before Reiko yanked me inside some door. He quickly closed it and locked the door as he took a hold of my hand and pulled me behind him again.

"Come on Taylor, we have to hurry!" He yelled at me very stressed as I ran after him, my heart thumping in my ears.
"Reiko where are we going?" I asked breathing deep as we ran down a couple of stairs. Before he had time to answer I heard two gunshots banging through the hall and the stairs as I froze. Tom had shot the door in upstairs and there was a loud smash when he pushed it open.
"TAYLOR!" He shouted angry and frustrated as Reiko started to run faster down the stairs. My throat felt dry as I could feel a lump in my throat.

We ran down every step of the stairs as we came to another door. Reiko pulled it open and we came to another level in the garage.
"TAYLOR!" Tom shouted again, but this time he didn’t sound angry, his voice was starting to sound scared and helpless. I felt a sting in my chest as Reiko yanked me through a door and shoved it shut.

"Taylor don’t listen to him, we need to get out of here!" Reiko said as he looked around the empty garage level in panic. I knew as the seconds passed by, Tom came closer and closer.

"Over here!" Reiko said as he pointed towards the exit as we started to run again towards it. As we were near I heard the door behind me, slamming up against the wall.
"TAYLOR, PLEASE!" I heard Tom scream for a third time, frightened. I didn’t want to look back at him. I was afraid I would turn around to his safe arms, away from my escape.
"Come on, were soon there!" Reiko said panicked and pulled me around the corner. In all of confusion and adrenaline I didn’t notice her until she stood right in front of me.

I pulled for my breath, Mitsuko stood right in front of me, grinning with a devilish look in her face. Reiko suddenly grabbed me around the waist as he picked up a gun and placed it to my head. A short panicking scream slipped from my lips as I suddenly realized I’ve been dragged into a trap. Mitsuko was standing in front of me in a black dress with heals as she had two cars pulled up behind her.

I wanted to scream to Tom that he should turn around but he came right up behind the corner before I had the time. Reiko twisted me around, turning us towards Tom who immediately stopped running when he saw everything.

He pointed up the gun he had in his hand towards Reiko as he clenched his jaws together.
"Tom Kaulitz, so nice to see you again baby" Mitsuko said in a sweet voice as I felt to betrayed. Tom looked at her with his ice-cold face again.
"Mitsuko" he said stern as he shot me a look. I wanted to say how sorry I was for all of this but my throat felt as dry as sand.  
"You really shouldn’t trust strangers" Reiko smirked at me as I stood perfectly still, the gun still pointing at my head.
"Fuck you Reiko" I said as he chuckled.
"She’s almost as hot headed as you Mitsuko" he laughed and looked at her as she winced.
"Shut it Reiko" she yelled as Tom chuckled. Everybody’s eyes turned to him who smirked.
"Still a bit on edge are we Mitsuko?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Suddenly I felt the blood in my body freeze to ice.
"She always is" a rusty voice said and I glanced back and saw Hiroshi walking up by Mitsuko, placing his arm around her shoulders with a smile. I felt my heart drop. Tom could take a lot of people going at him at the same time, but these three people weren’t to fight with. I looked at Tom who still had his icy face and composure.

"Hiroshi, nice to see you hooking up with my trash" he said in a monotone voice as Mitsuko tightened up. My heart was racing away as I looked at Tom.  
"I should’ve stabbed you more when I had the chance!" Mitsuko said in a strong tone as Tom shrugged his shoulders nonchalant.
"Calm down honey, we have Tom all to ourselves" Hiroshi said in a pleased voice as Tom gritted his teeth.
"The other’s won’t be long" he said harsh back as I felt Reiko pushing the gun on my temple.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now