Chapter 7 ~ Revelations

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© 2015 by Authorninja. All rights reserved.

Chapter 7 ~ Revelations 

 The five of us froze, staring at Hermia.

Josias stepped forward, forgetting that we were about to leave. "Betrothal?"

  Margret looked between Hermia and I, "What is she talking about, Blaire?"

I shrugged slightly, my mouth still agape as I stared at Hermia. This woman was more bat shit crazy then I thought.

"It's not a surprise you haven't heard since you've been hiding," Hermia mused. "None of your group could have heard the news, everyone else knows. Your Emperor, your uncle, has announced a betrothal to a royal Witch. This royal witch so happens to be one of my sons, which was a surprise to me. Of course they don't know where I am, but rumour has it that my son has risen in his status since I left. Your uncle must have decided that the best way to form an alliance with the witches would be to form an arranged marriage with two of you of a royal status. Pretty smart, if you ask me."

Peter stared at the floor in thought, "This must be their way to form an army. If the shifters and witches form a treaty, the vampires have no hope. The witches has always been third best when it comes to the shifters and vampires, this must be their method of rising up in the system. By partnering with the shifters; we should have guessed it."

I remained silent as I listened, not really sure what to make of it.

"My uncle wouldn't do that," I stammered. "He wouldn't just sell me off to a random witch, he despised the thought of different hybrids mixing. Chris could barely stand the thought of my parents!"

I stopped, realizing there was probably more to this then I had originally thought. My parents passed away with the secret of their love, of a witch and a shifter. Now my uncle was absent-mindedly setting me up with a witch? 

Hermia shrugged, "The shifters must have gotten desperate. And so have the witches. My guess is that this is true, or it's a cover-up."

Josias frowned, "What would they be covering up?"

"You," Hermia took a breath, looking between us.  "What if they know that Blaire is in a group of vampires and shifters working together, and they need a quick way to stop it? Everyone's going to be looking for the missing Empress-to-be, for the sake of this marriage. This could be their way of trying to find your group and stop the un-holiness of the situation."

"Un-holy?" Peter argued, "We haven't done anything wrong."

Hermia chuckled, "Witches can cope fine with you leeches. But a shifter? Her kind will be reaching for their pitchforks if they found out that she's befriended their enemy."

I closed my eyes, already knowing this but somehow feeling my hopes shattering. The reality of it all had hit us, now.

"Is there anything else you could tell us?" Margret's voice was soft, contrasting with my blood that was boiling.

"I'm afraid not," Hermia shook her head. "That's all the information I have, apart from gossip."

Peter held his jacket in his hand, "Thank you. Is it okay if we come visit again, Hermia?"

She smiled, completely switching from her previous dire demeanour.  "Of course, Petey. I can find a lot of blood supply, I'll enjoy your visits! It's not often I get guests."

We quickly left, with a few thanks and farewells. I stayed silent as we walked to the car.

"Well, that was great." Ron said, braking the silence as we reached the car. "We have blood supply, oh and also two whole Hybrid species' on our asses."

"We kind of figured that already," Margret mumbled as she put her seat-belt on behind me. "We knew they'd be after us, I'm just surprised it's happening like that."

"The vampires are probably after us too," I presumed. "And whoever those people who attacked us at Jason's funeral."

"Well that's awesome," Josias huffed. "We have probably hundred thousands of people looking for us, and Blaire might be up for sale for a new hubby. What a revelation."

I sighed, "It makes sense that it'd be true. My uncle will never admit that I'm part witch, or that my father had betrayed the shifters. I'm guessing to Chris me being with a witch would be a handy cover-up for the witch DNA whenever I continue the emperor line. Smart."

Peter looked at me from the passenger seat, at my hands that gripped tight on the wheel. "We know it's not going to happen, you're with us."

"We can't hide forever," I muttered. "We're playing happy families now, but we've also been preparing for a fight. The shifters are more skilled, and have more resources. This arranged marriage is their easy way of telling us to back down, and give up."

"You don't know that, "Margret said while giving me a regretful squeeze on the shoulder. "The shifters must honestly need you back, apart from your uncle you're all that's left of your bloodline. People are going to want you alive."

"And people are going to want me dead," I glanced back at her blue eyes. "The leeches. The other royals that want to take my place. Rachel. Maybe we should just back down."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows at me, "You want to give up? Because of what, your uncle wants to marry you off to some scum-bag? Because this suddenly seems harder then you thought? We knew it wasn't going to be easy, Blaire. I promise, you're going to go back to your family. You're going to go back to be the amazing Empress you were born to be. But first, we still have questions unanswered. And we can't give up on what this group has, we have a union."

"Shifters and witches are going to make an alliance," Peter continued. "But so could the vampires. The big three hybrids have spent centuries fighting, but what if we fixed it? We have a revolution in our hands, creature. I'm not going to let you blow it because of what your uncle says. I'm not going to let any of you blow it."

Ron nodded from behind him and looked at me, "We can fix this. And besides, with you fighting with us we have more of a chance. People are going to listen to you, your people. They're not going to hurt us if you're fighting by our side."

"They're not my people yet," I muttered. "My uncle still has the title clutched in his hands."

"Not for long," Margret said. "You have the right to step up, you were next in line from you father. All it takes is the right push."

"So now you're saying I go back?" I asked, "Back to the people that might hate me?"

Margret shrugged, "Not really. We need to plan things, but it seems like an option."

"At least we have options now," Ron stated. "Before we were just shooting blindly, now we might actually have a plan on it's way."

"Right. This actually might be a good thing," Peter was grinning as he turned to me. "No one's taking you on our watch, creature."



I decided to end it there, I'm so sorry for being a day late! Happy... Thursday? lol oops.

I think yesterday was a blur so I didn't realize it was Wednesday.

But hope you enjoyed!

Question of the day: Do you think the shifters are after Blaire to stop them, or for the arranged marriage? Comment below!

And also, what has been your favourite part so far?

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