Chapter 15 ~ Outsiders

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© 2017 by Authorninja. All rights reserved.

Chapter 15 ~ Outsiders

"If you touch any of them, I'll kill you myself." My growl directed to my uncle was assisted with my glowering gaze and my darkening eyes.

"I can assure you we will leave your little town of freaks be," Chris replied with an amused expression. "We have what we came for, that's all that matters."

"They're not freaks," Eli piped up, a strange aura of anger surrounding him. "They're good people, innocent people that you attacked. You're sick."

"The way our people will see it is their monarch discovered a populace of incestuous rebels rallying together to bring anarchy and chaos into the Hybrid society," He shook his head, "They'd be outraged that we didn't remove them all ourselves right then."

"The Hybrid society is already in chaos," I hissed. "You've just been keeping your people in the dark, you're just as evil as the people who started it all."

Outside the scenery began to look familiar, and I realised we were getting closer to the royal court. I cringed, I hadn't been there since I was a kid, before I joined the hunters. The skies looked colder and colder as we neared Wyoming from the airport. I had given up on my silent treatment of my uncle, and instead was hoping to guilt him.

"Everything your ancestors did they did for the shapeshifters, no one else." Chris looked angry now, his eyes pointedly glowering at me.

"I can tell, it's the most selfish and wrong thing I've ever heard." I huffed, "Of course they did it for themselves, they decided they wanted all of their people to have the same mindset as them and stripped us all from our own free will. Kudos to them."

"All hunters still have their free will," he said while leaning closer in his leather seat. "Do you really think you'd be able to make the decisions you made, become reckless, rebel against the treatment of vampires if you didn't have free will?"

"I never said we were completely brainwashed," I argued. "But you still use us as your puppets, forcing ideas of what we should believe in growing up to suit your needs. You wanted to become the most powerful hybrids, so you got rid of the competition, right?"

"Vampires are dangerous things," Chris growled. "You can argue that the witches' spells were wrong to do, but even the shifters who weren't spellbound agreed that leeches needed to be taken care of for the safety of mortals."

There it was again, things I heard all of my life but only recently started to sound evil. Mortals, that's what my kind always feared, the people who were immortal for the blood of the weak. I knew now that shifters were just afraid of being seen as weaker, and their blood being the best for vampires made them terrified. So instead of empathising or working to help vampires be provided for, they went on the offence.

"You can't just assume they're murderers or bad people because of their species," it sounded strange from my mouth, but I felt the urge to defend them. "That's like people assuming all shifters are violent and emotionless, you can't just generalise them because they need blood to survive. Most of them didn't choose to be that way."

"Can't you hear yourself?" My uncle didn't look angry anymore, hardly even disappointed, he just looked worried. "You're protecting things that kill people in order to survive, don't you get it? If we didn't train people from a young age to be hunters, there would be countless deaths."

"Maybe they wouldn't feel the desire to kill or hurt people to get what they need if they didn't feel afraid of being caught, or that they had to hide. Maybe if we helped provide them with what we've been trying so long to deprive them of, they wouldn't have to resort to violence just so survive."

"It's not our job to provide them with blood, it's sickening for you to even propose such a thing."

"I'm not saying we flash our flesh so they have a meal for the day," I scowled. "The vampires I know use blood bags, where no one needs to be attacked, in order to go on. Peter said there are even donors who -"

"Peter?" He interrupted, his face disgusted. "Peter Slanderer? Don't you ever speak that name again, do you understand? He's a murderer, a psychopath, you've witnessed it yourself."

I wanted to argue, but I decided I already dug a hole deep enough already.

"Why are you taking us to the court?" I decided to ask, "Wouldn't it have been easier to just kill me when you found us?"

"I'm not going to kill you," Chris gave a look of feigned pity. "No matter what's happened, you're still the remaining heir to the throne. And you're still my niece. We're taking both of you where the people you trust will be there and can make decisions about the disloyalty you've shown, and you'll be re-educated."

"Re-educated?" Eli looked at me with fear in his eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your family will decide what to do with you when we get to the court, after all, the both of you are still expected to have the arrangement to bring together the shifters and the witches." His words made me widen my eyes in horror, "But I'm afraid our people are almost unwilling to forgive Blaire for her crimes, so the only way they are willing to forget what she has done is to teach her our values that she has clearly forgotten. The Royals are willing to forget what's happened if the influence of the leeches you've been surrounded with for too long has been removed, as they can be empathetic that most hunters in your position haven't been around leeches in the way that you have. They have ruled that a re-education will be your way of coming back into the community."

"Wait, are you saying that-"

"Yes, Blaire. You are going to be spellbound."



sorry it was so short I just didn't have time to continue but I really wanted to upload


I really appreciate all the support and comments and votes given, it really has pushed me to be more organised.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you think Blaire will be spellbound back to the way she used to be?

ily x

Desire To Love (#2 in The Hybrid Wars series)Where stories live. Discover now