Chapter 10 ~ Allies

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Chapter 10 ~ Allies

    "Hermia?" I repeated, turning to look at the shocked looked of my friends. I kept my face at it's usual blank canvas, but it was hard as I realised I might have been talking to my fiancé. If it even counts. "As in the fortune teller?"

I didn't want to make it obvious we had met her only a couple of miles away, not trusting whether he was on our side or not.

"Yes," Eli nodded. "She told me she spoke to you, that's kind of how I figured out where you were."

"Jesus Christ," I turned to Peter. "So much for trusting your friend."

"Don't blame her," Eli interrupted. "My mother knew she could trust me. She knew I could help, and that I don't agree with the royals whatsoever." 

"So what are you?" I smirked, "A group of misfits? We don't need your help, thanks."

"Let's hear him out," Charlotte whispered. She looked me in the eyes, and as if reading her thoughts I relaxed a little. There was seven of us and one of him, or at least nearby. There was no need to be on defence, yet. 

Everyone ended up sitting on the sofas, all opposite Eli Anson. I was the only one standing, glaring at him from the side.

"Tell us everything," Ron calmly said. "You know it's hard to believe that there's a group of Anarchists - that's what you call it, right? It's hard to believe that a group of rebels of all species just hanging out together, they're hunting us down and there's only seven of us."

"We're good at hiding," Eli smiled. "We've been doing it for years. We all work together, no higher power, no certain people better then others; we all live equally. We don't believe in royals or elders, even though we have many of them. A lot of us are living in a town, only a couple of hours away from here, where we can all discuss the next step. But there hasn't been a good opportunity, but once we heard about your group we knew it was time to make a move."

"There's a lot of we," Josias cleared his throat. "But who are you? Do you run this thing?"

"No I'm far too young to organise anything," Eli shook his head. "But my mother introduced me to the community when I was a child. A couple of years ago, when I was about seventeen, they found me and offered me a place there. It's kind of my job to find people like you, who need a haven like Noson."

"Noson?" Margret repeated, seeming to be breath-taken.

"That's what the town is called," He gave a charming smile. "It means night. It's kind of symbolic, as we bring all creatures of the night together."

Eli gave me a glance with a smile.

"So you want us to come live there?" Harry finally said, "Because I'm quite enjoying my time in this cabin."

"It's a nice place," Eli shrugged. "But in Nos you'll find a home. A place to live your life without hiding. Where you can be friends without being judged, or more than friends if that's what you're into. People like us need a place like this, especially in the shit hole you've dug up for yourselves. The shifters are looking for you, and the leeches too. The witches are also, but they're not so thirsty for blood or revenge."

He looked at me, "This betrothal thing they've got in-between us is a smart way to get everyone to find us. I've been hiding for a while too, but they're not so aware that I'm against them. I've actually visited the elders a few times over the years without them suspecting a thing, and I'm guessing your uncle met some of my relatives and they came to an agreement."

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