41)*death of you*

88 3 9

Ashton's POV
"I was captain of my soccer team at high school, you know, pretty popular, had lots of friends, cool family. Everything was settled and working perfectly, until my father decides to ruin that with having an affair with my aunt, when my mom found out that had been betrayed by her husband and own sister she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to jump off the third floor of our house and fly with the other angels.

When my dad knew about it, he got shocked to a point where he became the complete opposite of what he was; so he started drowning his veins with alcohol all day long, snorting cocaine all night and getting angry and aggressive about nothing until one day I came back from my soccer match which I had won to find his lifeless body lying on the bathroom floor surrounded by white powder and pills everywhere on the floor.

Since that day, I was forced to live with my aunt; the woman who caused all of this. Why? Because I officially had no family but her.

After hearing all the rumors, my "friends" turned their backs on me, calling me names and joking about how fucked my family was. I felt helpless and lost, no one wanted to hire a dropout for a job and my aunt started complaining about how useless I was; eating her food and messing her house, so one day she woke up and kicked me out of her house.

And just like that, I added homeless to the list of bad things that had happened to me since my mom left. Seventeen and homeless. I kept wandering Sydney's streets, sleeping on benches and begging for money. Until one day my memory randomly remembered that one time I had followed my dad to see from where he got all his drugs and suddenly I was standing in front of a nice house. I knocked and knocked until a pink haired guy answered.

I told him I was Andy's (my father) son, I guessed he would know him since my dad bought cocaine every three days. And I was right. He let me in and introduced me to his "team". They were all pretty smashed when I told them he over dosed, and offered me to stay in the house since I had none so I accepted gladly.

I started getting curious as time passed and started working with them, dealing and shit, until our business got bigger and we all moved to LA.

We were living the life back then; money, drugs, parties, everything was going well until your little Scott shows up and decides to ruin that for us..."

"Scott? My-my husband?" Skylar stuttered interrupting me

"The one and only." I affirmed

"How's that even possible, no it can't be true." She shook her head "Scott was never interested in doing drugs."

"Maybe not in doing them, but in selling them, he sure as hell was interested. His "clique" was the most known in LA, in the drug industry, everyone bought their drugs from him but apparently when we moved in, we started stealing his customers and he was really angry about it. We suggested that he joins us and start working together but he refused. And since then he's been throwing shit at our faces but it got too far when he started breaking into our house in hope to steal our drug supplies so when Liam caught and started to stop him, the fucker pulled out a gun and shot him right in front of us, right in front of Dani. I mean how cruel of him, he literally shot her boyfriend of three years right in front of her..."

"Dani as if Dani my roommate or?" Skylar frowned looking at me in shock

"Yes, Dani your roommate." I answered

"What the fuck, she was with you? How can that be possible? Who else was with you in your team." She asked shaking her head

"There's me, Michael, Danielle, Tessa, Harry, and back then Liam." She remained quiet so I continued "Anyway, that night was awful, we all got to see our best friend die in the arms of his girlfriend. I remember his last words as if it was yesterday 'Make him pay for it, torture that fucker' and Danielle went with it, she thought that the only way to take her revenge from Scott was to kill all his beloved, so we started with his parents, remember Tim and Mary?" Skylar quickly nodded

"They didn't accidently die in a car crash but got purposely pushed down a cliff trapped inside their own car. Remember violet, his sister?" Skylar nodded again, wide eyed "Well she didn't drown while trying to swim in a river but got thrown down there with a 20 pounds weight attached to her ankle. And then comes your wedding. That, was the night we fucked up, because, it wasn't Scott the target, we didn't want to shoot him, we wanted to shoot you Skylar."

"What? How? Why?" I watched her grow more and more paranoid

"You were a part of the plan, you needed to die so we could achieve Liam's last wish. We would have officially made Scott pay for what he did. But we fucked up." I explained calmly

"We? How many of you were there that night? Who shot him?" she asked furiously chewing her nails and looking at everything around her

I remained quiet.

"Ashton" she warned "Tell me."

Nothing. I couldn't speak.

"Fucking tell me who did it." She got up from the bed, shouting at me

"I did it. I was me." I blurted out, my voice as low as a whisper

Authors note
2 words.

I'm sorry.

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