7- Story of a cook.

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Thomas: Hey!

Newt: Hello everyone.

Minho: Hey! Did you shanks miss me? *smirks*

Thomas: ANYWHO, Minho's sassiness aside, we have more questions to answer!

Newt: Yep, so let's get right into it.

Thomas: First question is from @haddler_kitten_mitten, and she asks Minho- What would you do if your sass was taken away?

Minho: *gasps* Don't even say that!

Newt: Yeah, a world where Minho isn't sassy would be strange.

Thomas: It's true!

Minho: Well, I guess I would... be boring like Newt and Thomas.

Thomas: Hey! No jabs at us.

Newt: Watch what you bloody say there, Minho.

Minho: Oh, please. You aren't dangerous. I mean, if you were a Crank then yeah I'd be a little nervous but...

*crickets chirping*

Thomas: ...

Newt: ...


Thomas: Okay? Next question is from @TMRaddict and they ask- Minho, what would you do if your hair was burnt off by lightning? And Newtie, how did yours and Minho's friendship start?

Thomas: So two questions actually.

Minho: Geez, what are you guys trying to do, kill me?! If my hair was burnt off by lightning, I'd cry! But first, can I just laugh at the fact that Newt will officially be called 'NEWTIE' from now on?! Bwahaha!

Newt: Shut your shucking mouth Minho. I'm so bloody sick of you constantly picking at everything.

Minho: Geez, you shank! Calm down, I'm just joking.

Newt: Yeah, that's what you always say. Well sometimes your joke ISN'T FUNNY.

Newt logs off*

Thomas: *sighs*

Minho: Geez, what is up with him?

Thomas: Try to give him a break, he has been a little on edge lately.

Minho: No kidding. Usually he just brushes off my smart aleck remarks.

Thomas: I know. I'm worried. The symptoms of the Flare are already starting to show in him. Who knows how long it'll be until we start showing the signs?

Minho: *shrugs* I don't know dude. But we're getting off topic. Let's answer one more question and then we'll call it a day.

Thomas: Okay. The next one is also from @haddler_kitten_mitten, but it's a question directed to Frypan.

Minho: If only he was here.

Frypan logs on*

Frypan: HEY YA'LL. I heard my name?

Thomas: Uhh yeah. They ask- Why do you like to cook?

Frypan: *scratches chin* Hmm, that's a toughie. Well, when I came up from the box with the original Gladers, as we started to build civilization, we realized that we needed a chef. So I said I'd be it, since I had the most interest in it at the time, plus I hated the other jobs. I felt important. I eventually grew to like it, and that's why I like it so much today.

Minho: *claps* Good answer, ya shank.

Thomas: Very thorough.

Frypan: Thanks guys. Well, I feel better now. See ya!

Frypan logs off*

Thomas: So that's all we can do for today. There is a question we didn't get to answer, but we'll answer it in the next chapter!

Minho: Yeah. Newt had to be a poor sport, but oh well.

Thomas: Well, we'd better go! Bye!

Minho: See ya!

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