22- Teresa feels the love.

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Minho: Hey there shanks!

Thomas: Hi everyone!

Newt: Hello.

Sonya: Hi!

Brenda: Brenda in the houuuuuse!

Frypan: And Frypan!

Teresa: And me. But no one cares.

Newt: What a depressing way to get the chat started.

Minho: True. Teresa you should just leave before you upset the entire chat...

Teresa: Shut your shuck mouth Minho. I'm staying whether you like it or not.

Sonya: Hey! Leave him alone.

Thomas: Ouch.

Minho: Wooooow.

Frypan: Can we please just stop fighting and ask a question? Geez.

Newt: I agree with Fry. There's no need to constantly bicker back and forth at each other.

Minho: She started it.

Teresa: Real mature.

Minho: I know. *smirks*

Teresa: *rolls eyes*

Thomas: First question is from @hadler_kitten_mitten, and she asks: Sonya, do you like Minho back?

Sonya: Uh... well...

Minho: Of course she does. Hehehe.

Sonya: Well, yeah I do.

Minho: *blushes* Seriously?

Frypan: Did someone just get that on video? MINHO BLUSHED!

Newt: This is a strange occurrence.

Thomas: Aw Minho. Falling in love. Be careful or else they might stab you in the back.

Teresa: *gasps*

Minho: Woah, man! Was that a stab at Teresa?

Thomas: Maybe.

Minho: *wipes tears from eyes* I have never been more shucking proud.

Teresa: I can't believe you, Thomas.

Thomas: Sorry, but I had to. Had to warn Minho somehow.

Sonya: Umm... so could we get back to the question-

Minho: Thomas! I'm so proud of you.

Sonya: Minho-

Minho: I think I'm gonna host a party to celebrate! Who's with me?

Brenda: MINHO! The girl is trying to reach out to you and you keep getting distracted!

Minho: Oh. Um. Hey.

Sonya: *huffs* Hi.

Minho: Thomas dissing Teresa is kind of a big deal so...

Sonya: Whatever. Teaches me for trying to tell you how I feel.

*Sonya logs off*

Newt: You ruined it. Again.

Minho: Ugh! Why do girls have to be so shucking complicated.

Brenda: Oh, I don't know... because WE'RE GIRLS?

Frypan: You messed up man.

Minho: They always want attention.

Thomas: She was pouring out her feelings to you, and you just ignored her...

Brenda: Tsk tsk tsk. Go apologize.

Minho: Fine, I'll do it later. Let's finish this chat first.

Newt: Next question is from @IAmEura, and she asks Teresa: Why are you even here? Bleh!

Teresa: Wow. I'm feeling the love.

Minho: Eura knows what she's talking about!

Frypan: A viewer just roasted you Teresa. Ouch.

Teresa: Well, Eura, I'm here because I feel like I'm an important character as well. I mean, I've been with you guys since the beginning. I only did that stuff to Thomas because I had to protect him.

Thomas: Well you had a weird way of showing it.

Minho: So conceited, Teresa. Shame.

Teresa: Don't try to ridicule me, Mr Suave. After all, you did break Sonya's heart.

Minho: And you nearly broke Thomas's rib cage!

Frypan and Brenda: OHHHH!

Thomas: Yikes. He's got a point.

Teresa: Ugh. Why do I even try.

Newt: Well that escalated quickly.

Teresa: Basically, I'm staying on the chat. I'm sure people have some questions for me...

Minho: Major understatement... *snickers*

Newt: Alright then. Final question is from @Fangirl2346, and she asks: Favorite food cooked by Frypan.

Everyone except Brenda: His stew!

Frypan: *blushes* Aw thanks guys.

Brenda: Haven't had any of his food soooo I can't say.

Thomas: Just say his stew. You'd agree if you had it.

Brenda: Okay? His stew then.

Frypan: *bows* Thank you, thank you.

Minho: What were those big chunks in it? That was probably the best part.

Frypan: Chicken gizzards.

Brenda: *nearly pukes*

Minho: Oh. Okay.

Thomas: Well that's about it for this chat! Thanks for reading and stay tuned! Bye!

Newt: Bye.

Minho: See ya!

Chat with the Gladers!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora