Chapter Fifteen

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The two childhood rivals glare, thunderstorms happening between their eyes. Compared to all the other battles in the preliminary round, this one had to be by far the most boring. Couple weak punches, followed by boring dialogue and pauses. Finally, to the crowds' relief, the measly battle finally ended with a fist penetrating each of their faces, knocking them both out simultaneously.

"It is a draw!"

Medics rushed into the arena, carrying each girl on a soft, white stretcher. The panels flickered heavily, mimicking the proctor's words and placing them for show. Just after everyone could catch the results, the panels were flipping again, ready to show the names of those who were up next to fight.

" Tenten vs Temari"

The next pair of girls made their way into the arena, the blonde one carrying a large object that looks like she should crumble under the weight of it, but "Temari" (as the scoreboard said) flung it around as if it were a baseball bat.

Hayate stood between Temari and Tenten, and jumped backwards as he shouted the starting word.


They both went at it, no hesitations whatsoever as Tenten unleashed a giant scroll, engaging in a full out barrage of all kinds of kunais and shurikens. The battle sadly came to a short end, as Tenten's weapons deemed useless against Temari's large fan, as she blew her opponent around in the air. My jaw dropped in synch with Tenten's body, and I had to close my eyes as a loud crunch echoed through the room. I looked over to see Tenten lying on the fan, her back arched as the top of the fan jabbed the middle of her spine.

Through all the commotion of murmuring, a green blur entered the scene, showing Rock Lee. Before an illegal battle could play out, another green blur arrived, Guy Sensei taking his pupil away before any damage was done.

"I wonder if I'm next."

I looked to my right, as Daichi gazed dazedly at the flickering board. His hair just cascading over his face like pure gold, his mouth curved into a smile perfect enough to seduce anyone-

I shook my head and looked down. I wasn't falling for Daichi, was I?

"Um yeah, who do you want to face?" I said, avoiding eye contact to hide my blush. Daichi looked across the arena at team 7.

"Probably that Naruto brat. I bet anyone can beat him,"

I followed his gaze, and watched Naruto as he attempted to talk with Sakura. The way he looked at her with his dreamy eyes, I wonder if that's how I look at Daichi?

No. Stop right there. All these feelings are just you being relieved your fight is over. Stop these thoughts before you become infatuated with him like all those fan girls.

I watched as the scoreboard flipped panels, showing the next battle of Shikamaru Vs Kin.

"-That would be nice."

I jerked my head up as I realized I had zoned out of the conversation.

"Sorry, I missed what you said," I stated with a smile. Daichi smiled back, and did a small laugh before repeating himself.

"I said I really hope I win, that would be nice."

I looked into his eyes, and my stomach did one of those big lurches. I quickly turned around, sighing as I cursed my stupid body.

I am pinning the blame all on the body. I warned you, there's no going back. There is only so much the minds can do.

"Are you ok Mitsuko?" Daichi asked, his voice so calm, and handsome and-

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