Chapter Sixteen

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"You got this Daichi," I encouraged as I gave him a light slap on the back. He gave me a weak smile in return. We both knew Sazu was incredibly strong, but now I would have to stay positive and cheer for my teammate.

As he walked away I grabbed his arm, looked directly in his eyes, and whispered softly. "Don't be afraid to forfeit."

Those were the last words I spoke to him before he left the balcony to join Sazu down in the battle area. I has this strange feeling in my gut, and really want Daichi to forfeit right now before the battle started. I looked down at my own body and realized I was shaking, despite the fact that my battle was over and I had nothing to worry about. I think I was so worried because Sazu resembled Gaara, they both has the same evil aura. And if Gaara destroyed half of Rock Lee's body, what would Sazu do to Daichi?

"Begin!" The proctor yelled, his voice echoing through the silent room. There was a split second of complete silence, and then both of the opponents ran towards each other bearing a kunai.

Something about the way Sazu fought out chills down my spine. Instead of trying to attack at Daichi's openings, he attacked at Daichi's attack, rather than defending. Every time Daichi would swing his kunai, Sazu would strike his knife with equal force. This back and forth rally went on for quite some time, before it became clear what Sazu was doing.

Unfortunately, Daichi didn't realize what was happening before it was too late. Everything happened in slow motion, as Daichi's kunai shattered to pieces, and Sazu struck down on him with a knife wielding an orange seal. Before Sazu could strike his neck, Daichi quickly lifted is forearm to block the attack. At the moment of impact, Daichi's arm erupted into flames, causing him to fall to the ground in attempt to put out the fire.

Daichi kicked his opponent in the ribs, attempting to get him off from above him. As the fight continued, Daichi's left arm was visibly red, the clothing burnt right off of his arm. Fighting Sazu was dangerous, as his paper seals were unpredictable and fatal. If Daichi wasn't quick enough, his neck would have burnt into flames, possibly killing him in the process.

Daichi quickly fumbled his fingers through his bag, pulling around eight shining senbons and placing them in each crease between his fingers. As he crossed his hands across his chest, the senbons started to glow with blue chakra. Daichi immediately threw the needles with alarming speed, which Sazu easily deflected. However, the last senbon had a smoke bomb inside it. As Sazu was lost in the smoke, Daichi fiercely pummelled him with Taijutsu. As the grey air faded away, it revealed a coughing Sazu, and a bloody Daichi. Just below his knee, I could make out a wide gash along his left shin.

"You sneaky little bastard!" Spat Sazu, coughing a droplet of blood. Daichi didn't respond, but stood there, grasping his burnt left arm. Sazu charged, kunai in hand, but instead of making contact, Daichi swerved to the left.

"Too late," smiled Sazu.

A split second after his words, Daichi fell to the ground in pain.

"What did you do?" I yelled, across the room.

"I'm okay," Daichi coughed, clutching his stomach as he stood up.

"One of my favourite seals," laughed Sazu. "One small seal can cause intense vibrations simulating the feeling of being hit by a truck. Not like it did any internal damage, did it?" Sazu looked straight into Daichi's eyes and laughed, a laugh that made my blood turn to ice.

Daichi just simply smiled back, then joined his laughing.

"What are you laughing about dumbass?" Sazu scowled. Just then, Daichi's body melted away, disappearing into the ground. Before Sazu could turn around, Daichi had a kunai to his throat.

"Forfeit, before this turns worse," spat Daichi through clenched teeth.


Sazu stomped onto Daichi's foot, and swung at his upper body with a kunai. However, Daichi ducked down, and leaped upwards, head butting Sazu in the jaw. Sazu stumbled backwards, and Daichi followed him with a hard kick to the stomach. Sazu fell to the ground, where Daichi threw punch after punch.

"You got this Daichi!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth so he could hear my encouragement.

Yes! No way Sazu can get away from him!

Suddenly, Daichi stopped punching, and his body fell on top of Sazu's.


All sounds were blocked from my ears, as I threw myself over the edge of the railing.

"DAICHI!" I screamed, trying to get to him. There was nothing I could do, as Sensei was holding me by my shirt.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed as I watched the pool of blood emerge onto the ground, and Sazu laughing hysterically. I screamed, and tears started escaping out of my eyes. Sazu stood up, rolling Daichi over in the process.

His eyes, the once golden colour, was gone. I screamed and screamed his name,  but there was no response. There was so much blood.

This can't be happening. This isn't happening. I can't lose Daichi.

I bit Sensei's arm, and as he let go, I jumped onto the ground. I ran over to his body, and shook him, flailing his lifeless limbs.

"Daichi please wake up, you have to fulfill your dream, right? You can't become the strongest ninja in the world if you don't wake up!" I shrieked my voice cracking as I cried more tears.

"We were gonna become strong together!" I cried, laying my forehead against his. "You can't take my teammate away from me!"

A hand grabbed my shoulder, but I didn't take my sight off of Daichi.

His eyes. Oh god, his eyes. They were grey, any trace of gold was gone. He looked so lifeless, his gaze laid on the ceiling above us.

The hand pulled me back, but I fought against them, screaming my teammate's name.

"Mitsuko, he's gone," said Sensei.

"Shut up! He can't die at this age! He's too young!" I cried. Tears stained my shirt, and I kicked at Sensei to let me go.

"Mitsuko, there is nothing you can do," Sensei whispered, and I felt one of his tears land on my hand. That's when I sat down, and really realized what was happening. Daichi was dead. I was alive. Daichi would never breath again. I would never hear him laugh again. He would never train with me again. I would never go on another mission with him again. I would never see his golden eyes again.

I cried like I had never cried in my life. My loud wails echoed throughout the room, taking short breaths between each round of sobs. The rest of the world turned black as a sharp needle entered my body.


My eyes slowly opened, revealing the white walls of the emergency room from the chunin exams. My vision eventually un fuzzed, and I could just make out the shapes of Sensei and Daichi sitting across the room.

"What happened?" I asked, slowly sitting up.

Sensei looked up, then lowered his head again. "You lost it after he died, and we had to use sedatives to control you."

Soft, warm tears formed and began rolling down my cheeks. "How did he die," I asked, my voice threatening to give out on me.

"Sazu placed a seal on his stomach that exploded internally. All of his major organs were destroyed, there was nothing the medics could do. The funeral is tomorrow."

With that, Atsushi and Sensei left the room, leaving me alone with my emotions and thoughts.

I wish it didn't hurt so much.


This was probably one of the hardest chapters to write, killing a character is harder than it seems.

And/or follow for Chapter Seventeen if you enjoyed.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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