Chapter 5: Sneaking into the house

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"What could this mean? Does this mean I'm your brother?" Hiro impatiently asked so many questions until Tadashi brought up a thought. "If I'm your brother, we're saying GoGo's your sister," he teased, with a sly grin on his face.

Hiro's jaw dropped. "Wha-no! She'll never be my sister! Never ever! She's so not my sister," Hiro complained, hitting Tadashi's shoulders.

"Oh, why is that, little black-haired nerd? Too scared to be brother-zoned?" Tadashi insisted, giving Hiro a smirk. He's bringing up conclusions that Hiro's interested in his sarcastic annoying little sister, and this would be a way GoGo would have someone help her in those rough-up romantic situations.

Hiro groaned and grabbed the chip out of the scanner. "Whatever, Tadashi," he scoffed. He still was hiding a wide little grin.

"What's it said?" Tadashi asked Hiro. Hiro shrugged.

"Over 10,000 medical procedures? Ha. I'm thinking this would be useful," Hiro replied, reading into the scanner's results.

"Wait, wait," Tadashi interrupted. He found a corrupt file and tried to open it by detecting viruses and changing its file type, but it was still corrupted, whatever the two geniuses tried.

"What do you think is in that file?" Hiro asked.

"I don't know. But must be important. Before you use that chip let me transfer the file into another chip, so I can fix it and open this corrupted file," Tadashi answered, trying to transfer it into his computer.

"Go upstairs and get some latte. I know you're thirsty. I told Aunt Cass you were coming," Tadashi offered. Hiro smiled and clapped his hands.

"Sweet. Free food. See ya later!" he chirped as he ran out of the garage.
"Oh, and Hiro was like, 'Omigosh, is that tungsten carbide?', and I showed him every lit up detail about my project! He's really cute. I think he's really nice," a familiar voice exclaimed.

Conversations. Hiro was hearing distant conversations. The cafe was closed, but two people were sitting at table 12. Two familiar people.

It was a little weird that they were talking about him.

That's where he figured. It was Honey and GoGo!

Ding it, how do I hide myself from GoGo?, Hiro thought.

He remembered Tadashi's house had a back door made for the family, and he decided to enter there.

He was half upstairs, until he heard his name. Again.

"You know, Hiro's quite as young as you are. A month older," Honey said.

"Three months older," GoGo corrected, quite annoyed about the topic.

"You seem to know him pretty well. I'm guessing...Are you two dating?" Honey Lemon asked GoGo.

GoGo growled and smashed her fist on the table. "Are you crazy-serious?" she demanded, "I'd never date a guy like him!"

It hurt a little bit that GoGo didn't like Hiro's type of guy, but Hiro was actually entertained by their conversation and thought that GoGo was actually funny when someone comes to a topic that annoys her.

Honey Lemon chuckled and tapped GoGo's shoulder. "I'm kidding! Though you two would make a perfect couple," she insisted.

GoGo rolled her eyes and lightly pushed Honey Lemon away. "He's...annoying and sarcastic and pretty much everything naughty!" GoGo complained.

Hiro smirked. "Naughty? What does she mean?" he muttered.

"Ooh, naughty! Very,very naughty!" Honey Lemon creeped into GoGo's shoulders with a weird tone.

Gogo scowled. "Shut up, Lemon! Tadashi's at the garage. Go find something to do there," Gogo scoffed.

Hiro ran upstairs.

He grabbed the latte that Tadashi offered and hid up Tadashi's room. Well, Tadashi and GoGo's room.

He's doomed. He heard Gogo's footsteps coming and he hid himself inside the sheets.

"Hiro's perfect for you. He's sweet, caring, blah blah blah," GoGo mocked Honey's voice as Hiro quietly giggled.

"Right. I'm never putting myself into a romantic situation ever again," GoGo mumbled, although Hiro heard it.

"Again?" he asked himself. "Wonder what happened before," Hiro wondered.

Gogo sat on her bed and started changing clothes.

Uh-oh, better get out of here, Hiro said as he tried to get out of Tadashi's bed and out of the room quietly.

He opened the window and stepped outside, but the floor made a stupid move. Thanks, floor.


"Huh?" GoGo wandered. "Who's there?" she shouted. She got up and went towards Tadashi's side of the room.

Nothing. She would have heard the noises outside the open window.

"Eh," she shrugged and closed the window and continued changing.

Sneaking down the house, Hiro tried not to spill his latte.

"Please don't spill, please don't, please," he chanted.

He got off the last ladder and walked back to the garage.

"Hiro!" Honey Lemon greeted. She pecked Hiro's cheeks and hugged him tightly.

"Did you meet GoGo upstairs?" Honey Lemon asked.

Tadashi gasped. "Eh, uh, I-" Hiro stuttered.

"You escaped by my window, didn't you?" Tadashi interrupted.

Hiro shrugged. "It was about time I did," Hiro replied.

"She was changing, wasn't she?" Honey Lemon assured, raising a brow.

Tadashi smirked. "Hiro? What did you see?" he asked.

Hiro collapsed into the chair and sighed. "Yeah, okay? I saw her change. But I didn't see more! I tried not to," Hiro admitted, a flush of red covering his face.

"Fine, knucklehead. Just don't do silly things tonight," Tadashi warned with a little bit of chuckle.

"Wait, what? Tadashi!" Hiro complained. He glared at him as Honey pulled Hiro away.

"Aw, you cute little man. Don't get into Tadashi's jokes, they're very annoying," Honey Lemon said as she pinched Hiro's cheek.

"Hey! You said I was completely hilarious!" Tadashi complained, laughing.

"Whatever, you make the naughtiest jokes of all time," Honey Lemon pointed out.

"At least they're funny," Tadashi said, tickling Honey's sides.

"Pff- They-Haha-They- Pfff -Are a little-Okay, a lot funny!" Honey guffawed, avoiding Tadashi's touches.

"I wish GoGo and I can get that close," Hiro muttered.

Well, the two heard him.

"Well, seems like someone needs advise."
A/N Hey guys sorry for the hiatus! I was really really busy at school, and I know you know that! It's been 5 months, I guess? Pretty long! But I'll make sure I'll update this every two weeks or earlier. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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Our Changed Fate: a sequel to In Love With My Best Friend(Big Hero 6: HiroGo){ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now