Chapter 2

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"You are in So much trouble missy." Miss Necco (our lovely principle) said, stating the obvious. 

"But I did it for a reason," I yelled,"it's not like she was being very nice to me either.''

"That doesn't give you the right to punch her"

"Whatever, can you just tell me what my punishment is before class starts" I sigh, giving up.

"Since you don't take the bus home you can have an after school detention every day after school for the next five weeks. That's all, your dismissed."

But I just sat there staring at her. I can't believe I just got after school detentions for five weeks for standing up for myself, I mean who does she think she is.

"Miss Foster when I say your dismissed it means, get out of my office, I don't want you here. Now get."

That's a bit too harsh. I get up and tip the chair over just to annoy Miss Necco and left, leavening the chair on the ground.



"Hay! I herd you punched Britney in the face," said my best friends at the same time as I set my lunch tray down at their table. I had two best friends, Cathy and Billy. They are twin sisters and are really funny.

"Yeah, but it wasn't worth it i have after school detentions for five weeks," I say calmly.

"FIVE WHOLE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!" Billy yells." But she deserved it!"

"I know, right?" I agreed.

Before anyone could say anything back, there came an announcement over the loud speaker "Lily Foster and Dylan Cooper remember to come to the front office after school for detention." Rang the dull voice of the school secretary.

I wonder who this Dylan dude was and what he did to get an after school detention as well, it must have been pretty bad. Poor guy, no one stands a chance against Miss Necco.

After lunch me, Billy and Cathy walked over to my favourite tree next to the rugby field and sat in the shade enjoying the nice summer day.

"Do you know who that Dylan dude who got called out on the loud speaker was?" I wondered out loud to my friends.

"Yeah he's the new kid. It's his first day here. I actually feel kinda sorry for him." Cathy said, stretching out on the grass in the sunlight.

"I wonder what he did to score an after school detention,"said Billy.

Just as she said that, Haley stormed over with a look that made even me scared. Haley is Britney's best mate and just as evil.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!" She screeched, I swear she possibly made me deaf in one ear.

"Whoa calm down, what are you talking about?" I asked warily with narrowed eyes.

"You punched Britney so hard, you dented her pretty face and now she looks awful!" She replied, looking like she's going to cry any minute.

Before I could say anything back to that, Billy cracked up laughing.


Billy said in between laughs.


That really didn't help, because Billy was now on the ground crying with laughter, I couldn't help but giggle when I turned, looked at Haley's red face and then looked down at Billy who had tears streaming down her face.

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