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"Live to fight another day."

Life is beautiful if you make it worth living for. I always find a way out of my misery and downfall. Partying and cheering to life is just what an alternative can be, want to know something else too? I like to say humans are better than vampires, I amazingly found a human too who was actually a scientist wanting to experiment vampirism but to my surprise he found more intriguing things in us than what ithers might of, his curiosity and attention towards my dark centre provoked me to and dared me to actually admire him and his affection he so gradually let me have. I liked him the minute he asked me to let him show me what a humans point of veiw is like. Days and months past when he finally decided he wanted to marry me and cherish this moment and happiness I had given, I was surprised and I laughed at him too but then I was sad because I didn't deserve such sincerity and a pure intentional person. Callum Marvin, he was amazing, he was things I only dreamed of having, he was everything a woman could have and I was down to keeping him forever. I knew as a human he could die some day and leave me back to my misery but I couldn't push him away because of that and ruin years of peace and happiness. So I grasped his hand and looked deep into his honey coloured eyes that captured me wholly, he was a companion people envied me for.

"Zarah stop fidgeting." Callum expressed poking me, I gave him an annoyed look and glared at my goofy brother and a few close friends that were gathered today.
"Proposing a vampire is nerve wrecking." I hissed.

"I'm the one who proposed a vampire not u." He replied obviously I rolled my eyes.

"Love birds, don't quarrel its rude." Zander mused.

Zander was getting married to Alisha who now knew he was a vampire and she became as determined as Callum in being with us. Callum proposed me in a weird situation but did nonetheless. I was just attending the small wedding we managed to throw not wanting to catch unwanted media attention since there was a popular scientist, heir to a company and a few other mates.

"Do you now accept Alisha Omar as your wife?" The priest asked.

"Yes I do."

"Do you accept Zander Emir as your husband?" He questioned bored of this wedding, little did he know there was a wreckage of a party waiting in hell.

"Yes I do."

"You may-" he was cut off because Zander kissed the lights out of Alisha without waiting for permission. I blanched.

"Eeww " I turned my head in the crook of Callum's broad body. His masculine scent inviting.

He chuckled, "Some day babe I'll be doing the same." I laughed back understanding what he meant but seeing my brother do it was disgusting.

He kissed my cheek and made me look at him, "Gorgeous." He whispered before capturing my lips and moving them so softly I sighed in content.

And from that day I never felt isolated and empty, Callum completed me and I just wished he would never leave me like Alexander Black did.

I never forgot him, I always had a soft spot for him but I also did not yearn for him because I was complete now.

No bloodlust and no undying love.

I'll be Zarah Marvin one day.

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