Chapter 23

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Judgement. That's all I seem to care about when I meet new people. Will they think I'm nice? Will they judge my appearance? What if they think I'm stuck up when really I'm just shy? But here I am with Harry at his family home's front door step, waiting nervously.

"Are you going to knock on the door?" I look up at him and ask before I reach up to kiss his cheek. He's holding my hand tightly in his.

"Yea, I'm just a little nervous for their reaction, that's all," he replies before knocking. He lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around the middle of my back, bringing myself a little closer to him.

His sister Gemma opens the door, as soon as she sees Harry, her face is in shock but she's smiling largely. Her smile is quite similar to Harry's, she's incredibly beautiful. The styles genes must be pretty good.

"Harry! You're here oh my gosh," she gasps. Harry removes his arm from my side to hug his sister carefully tight. Harry had mentioned before that him and his sister are quite close.

"Thought I'd surprise ya's," he chuckles while releasing from the hug. He looks over to me and smiles. "Gemma this is Via. Via this is Gemma."

"Hi," she says quietly before she leans in for a hug, she seems so nice and welcoming. I adore her already.

"How are you?" I politely ask.

"So good now that you're both here! Mum's going to be ecstatic," she says excitedly.

Harry and Gemma both walk through the the front door, Harry grabbing my hand first to guide me in closely behind him.

Their house is massive, it's so beautiful, and so is the whole neighborhood. It makes me wonder why Harry wanted to move to Australia in the first place.

Harry walks me to his large, floral backyard. Anne is sitting on a white Jack and Jill set reading a book.

"Mum look who's here," Gemma sings as she walks out to Anne before us.

Anne looks up and immediately a smile spreads across her face. "Harry I didn't know you were coming to visit!" She quickly gets up off the chair and hurries over to Harry to give him the biggest hug.

"Hi mum, I've missed you," he says through her tight embrace. Once she pulls away, she looks over to me. "This is my girlfriend Via," Harry states proudly. She walks over to me and hugs me tight.

"Lovely to finally meet you," she pulls away, leaving her hands still on my arms. "Harry often talks to me about you when we chat," she leans closer to whisper in my ear, "he's absolutely smitten over you."

I laugh and give a warm smile. "It's good to finally meet you Anne."

"Harry what made you visit? It's been ages," she gasps happily.

"I haven't seen you both in a while, so I thought I may as well surprise you both."

Anne goes back over to Harry and hugs him once more. "So glad you came. It's been too long!"

"I know. Definitely good to be back. Where's Robin?" I recall him mentioning Robin before. I think it's his step dad.

"He left a couple days ago for a business trip! He'll be gone for two weeks. Such bad timing," Anne pouts. "How long are you both here for?"

Harry awkwardly hesitates before answering. "Two weeks."

"Only two weeks?" Gemma chimes in. Harry just nods.

"Well you both better get your luggage unpacked and into your old room Harry!"

Harry and I both walk out to the black Mazda 3 that we've hired for our trip here. We grab our suitcases and drag them up to their house. I can't get over how nice it is, inside and out.

Once we're inside, Harry walks the way to his old room, it's so big as well. A king sized bed right in the middle of the well lit, pale blue room. A large window to the side of the room. There's a desk, a wardrobe and a set of draws spaced across the walls.

"Woah." Is all I say.

"It's pretty nice isn't it," he murmurs.

"I adore this house already," I chuckle. I go place my suitcase next to Harry's bed before I walk over to him, he's already sorting out his draws. I turn him to face me and wrap my arms slowly around his neck in a tight hug, I half pull away to look into my favourite green eyes. "Thank you so much Harry, for taking me here."

He smiles whilst he wraps his arms around my waist. He leans down and slowly kisses me. "It's my pleasure," he kisses me again, slow and gentle.

While Harry and I still held onto each other, I choose to ask him a question that's been on my mind since we arrived at his house.

"Your family are so lovely, England seems amazing and your house is," I pause and look around his room, "fantastic. So why exactly did you move to Australia? You said you wanted change but I feel like there's more to it than that."

He leans forward and kisses me, again, before he lets go of around my waist and grabs my hand, he pulls me to his bed to lay down with him. We're both stretched out on our backs, but close together, with my hand still held in his.

"I used to absolutely despise school. It was so horrible for me. I had one friend and one friend only, that was Danielle. She only came along when we had two years left of school anyway. So before that I really had no one. We both graduated school and I was so excited, to finally be out of that hell hole," he pauses and turns his head to look at me, he smiles seeing I'm already looking at him, then he turns back to looking at the ceiling. "It was pretty good for a while there, we did what we wanted and didn't have many worries at the time. We wanted to go on a year break before we fully looked into what we wanted to study. Then, Danielle just out of no where decided that she wanted to move to Australia," he pauses for a while.

Harry lets go of my hand and turns onto his side, so I do as well. He lays out the arm that's underneath him and places it under his head to prop him up then be puts his other arm lightly over my torso. He just looks at me in the eyes. Like he's trying to figure something out.

"Keep going," I smile empathetically.

"After she left, I tried to figure out what to do with myself. I wasn't getting excepted into any places for a job, I didn't know what to study or do with my life. So after a year of trying I just thought 'fuck it' and asked mum and Robin if I could move to Australia as well. They always just wanted to make sure I was happy so they let me go. Payed for everything and fortunately enough, as you know, they still do pay for everything. Here I am three years later and I'm starting to get bored again, not knowing what to do. I miss it here so much," Harry lightly laughs, but kind of in annoyance at himself as well.

"Why haven't you told me this before?" I smile sympathetically. I bring my hand to his face, gently pushing away some of his curls

"I also need to tell you something else," he says quite seriously as he looks me in the eyes.

"What is it?" I lean forward to plant a kiss on his pink lips.

He pulls away with dazed eyes, then leans forward, incredibly close to my lips to whisper, "I'm not going back to Australia when you are."

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