Chapter 27

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"So tell me again exactly, because I don't think you gave me an answer the first time, but why is Louis taking you home instead of Liam when he's coming to get me anyway?"

"Uhm, no I did answer you... I said," I awkwardly pause to try think of a believable lie. Shit I'm bad at this. "Louis really wanted to pick me up, he said we haven't seen each other in just under a month so he thought it'd be a good chance to have some one on one chat time." What a terrible lie. I see Louis at least once a week, hopefully she won't remember that.

"Oh ok. That doesn't really sound like Louis but hey, maybe he likes you that little bit more than everyone else," she giggles with a sly wink.

I awkwardly laugh as I look to the ground, trying to sound somewhat convincing. "Maybe. Anyway you glad to be back in Aus?" I ask looking back up to her, having to quickly change subject to prevent that awkward conversation from going any further.

"Well it's only been about thirty minutes but yea," she smiles contently. "It's good. And you?"

"Loving the weather already," I look up at the clear blue sky. I never knew England lacked in that so much until now. "Spring is my favourite season."

Before Danielle gets to reply, we both hear a honk of a horn, startling us both. Immediately we turn to see where the honk came from. And there he is, Louis in his little, trusty, dark green Toyota Yaris, with his hand waving frantically at us from behind the windscreen. He has the largest grin on his face like he couldn't be more happy to be here.

"Look who decided to show up," I turn to Danielle, "do you want me to wait with you until Liam comes?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

"No no go home! Liam should be here any minute now," she smiles gratefully.

I lean forward and give Danielle a large hug goodbye, having to try keep my mouth shut about Liam's up and coming plans. Quickly, I turn around and head to Louis' car. He unlocks the boot just in time for me to open it. There's only a packet of cigarettes, a blue A.D.I.D.A.S jacket and a pair or dirty looking socks in there. How lovely. I quickly shut the boot after placing my suitcase in there and hurry to the passenger seat, as the waiting bay is full and more people need to park here. Once I'm in the car and the door's shut, Louis quickly hoons off.

"Hey Louis," I say happily while buckling my seatbelt.

"How you doin'?" Louis enthusiastically responds, tearing his eyes away from the road to look at me.

The very first thing I noticed was that, the car didn't smell. It just smells, normal. No cigarette or sweat stench. You could almost say it smelt, clean.

"Tired but good! Quick question," I pause to look at him. I take in a few exaggerated sniffs through my nose. "Did you actually clean out your car?" I laugh.

"I knew out of all people that you would notice," he lowly chuckles, looking back onto the road to take an abrupt left turn, he's definitely not the best driver. "But yea, well my mum did. She really needed my car for the weekend while hers was in for repair. As soon as she got a hold of it she cleaned it out for me, aired it out and cleaned the outside, bless her."

"Such a motherly thing to do. But trust me, it's so much more tolerable in this car now," I slouch into the passenger seat.

"It wasn't even that bad before, you just have a supersonic nose," he defends like I was the one with issues.

"I beg to differ!" I almost squark, "you had to have the window down with your head almost all the way out of it to be able to breathe comfortably," I laugh loudly.

"What ever," Louis cracks a smile after a failed attempt at a poker face.

After some small talk about England and Harry contemplating moving back to England, Louis also deciding that Harry really shouldn't move, I hadn't realised that we barely spoke anything about himself.

"Louis, how've you been though? How long's it been since you and Eleanor split up?"

"Yea I'm pretty good. It's been about four months. She's doing pretty well too I think which makes me feel better." I feel a little bad for Louis. He's always been a party type of guy, meeting new girls all the time, but when he's in a relationship, boy does he fall hard for the girl. Always treating them like queens. It's really a sweet sight to see.

"Awe well that's good to hear!" I reply sincerely, "how you liking the single life?"

"I'm genuinely over it," he laughs, "sometimes I'm loving it. But not right now."

I sit there thinking for a moment. "If you're interested, I have someone that I think would be perfect for you." He laughs historically at my statement. "What?!" I ask him confused. I was trying to help him and here he is laughing at me.

"I didn't know you had friends out side of our little group!" He jokes.

"Gee you're soooooo funny," I sarcastically laugh along with him, but soon I abruptly end it. "So what do you say?"

"Sure. Why not, got nothin' to lose," he shrugs his shoulders.

"That's my boy," I enthusiastically nudge his arm with my elbow.

"But first," he pauses seriously, "can I know her name?"

"Oh, it's Brodie," I laugh at myself for forgetting the detail.

"Cute," he smiles.

Shortly after some more small talk. We finally arrive at the car park of the complex. I let out a sigh. It's good to be back already. We both gradually get out of Louis' car and head towards his car boot. He opens it for me, but as I go to grab my suitcase, Louis oh-so-very-kindly grabs it out before me and begins to carry it, noticing that its quite heavy.

As we walked inside and gathered into the elevator, I already started missing Harry. I felt incredibly clingy but it just officially hit me that I won't see him in his flat for a good month, we can't hang out all day in my room doing absolutely nothing and I won't even be able to just see him in person. I can't imagine the ache I'd feel if he actually does move to England.

Before I quite realise, we're at my front door, just standing there due to my monotonous day daydream. "You going to open the door?" Louis confusingly asks, his muscles straining from the weight of the suitcase.

"Oh shit, right," I shake my head out of my trance as I dig into my hand bag for the keys. Once I have them in my hand I quickly unlock and open the door. I walk into the lounge room with Louis following close behind, still carrying my suitcase, until he quickly goes down the little hallway into my room. Soon, he comes back empty handed.

"Thank you heaps Louis, for picking me up and bringing up my suit case," I walk over to him and hug around his shoulders, immediately he wraps his arms around me. He's so huggable, like a teddy.

"My pleasure," he pulls away from the hug. "I kind of missed you the last two weeks. Was different not having you nag at Niall and I to shut up at one in the morning while we played the ps3," he cheekily grins, "and having dinner here was shit, he can't cook anywhere near as good as you."

"Why thank you Louis, but that is definitely one thing I didn't miss while I was gone, it's so irritating having you two goofs yelling and waking me up at stupid hours of the morning." Louis laughs loudly at my statement. "I don't mind regardless, but are you staying 'till Niall gets home or?"

"Yea I'm staying, I bought a new game that he's been hanging to play," Louis all of a sudden, out of nowhere, flashes me the cover of some war looking game.

"Oh great, more noise," I roll my eyes while I try to fight back my smile. It is good to be back.

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