The beach!

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"Elenour..Why are you here?" Danielle sighed and looked at me with a sorrow filled expression.

"No worries." I said out loud by mistake.

"What is going on?" Liam looked at us both.

"Nothing, um can we go soon?" I blurted out a little too quickly.

"Um yes, sure." Liam sighed and looked at me.

"Louis, lets play beach volleyball!" Elenour cheered.

"Uh, okay, can you give me a second?" I heard him ask her and then he came up to walk by me.

"I don't care that your girlfriend tagged along." I firmly said.

"Look, people have been bugging for a picture of us on the beach playing volleyball.." Louis sighed.

"Louis, honestly! I don't care that you like her!" I nearly shouted and then walked ahead with a hurt expression, right away Zayn came to talk to me.

"So, how is it going?" He sighed because he knew that question was obvious.

"I'm perfectly happy." I lied and Harry soon trailed along with us and Niall too.

"Lie all you want.." Niall smirked.

"I'M FINE!" I was now irritated.

"Promise?' Harry now was agreeing with them.

"Pinky promise." I continued to lie.

"Alright, if you want to talk, you have us." He smiled and walked ahead with Liam and Danielle.

"Hey hun, what is wrong?" Danielle came ot sit by me, the guys were playing beach volleyball with El and I sat alone by a shadey tree for over two hours without speaking.

"Life is suppose to get better, correct?" I was alright with talking to some people, but I wouldn't look at them.

"Yes, it will eventually." She nodded her head in agreement.

"Well how soon?" I sighed and then looked her in the eyes and she saw the pain.

"Soon, I swear." She hugged me and soon she went back to join the game, she offered to walk me home or to let me play with them but I didn't want to move, not yet anyway.

"Hey.." Louis eventually walked over to me.

"Hi." I sighed and then looked down.

"I'm so sorry." He sat beside me and took my hand lightly in his.

"For?" I kind of had an edgy tone to my question.

"For hurting you. I need to decide if I want to stay with Elenour I know.." He sighed.

"Do you truly love her? Would you want to marry her?" I suddenly spoke.

"That is the problem, I don't know!" He frowned.

"How odo you feel about me?" I needed to know, even if the answer would break me.

"TIME TO GO!!!" Liam called.

"Come on, lets go!" He helped me up automatically.

"Oh, okay.." I felt tears coming.

"I'm sorry ok?" He soon was besde me.

"No, I'm sorry. I even botered trying to fit in. I am sorry for wasting your time. I am sorry for trying to be worth it." I cried and the tears fell.

"Not worth it?! You are worth it. I want yo, and only you. But people expect Elenour and I to be together.." He was breaking me.

"See, people want someone pretty, smart, skinny, worth it!" I was crying harder and Danielle stopped along with the rest of our friends, well his friends.

"What? Why? I cannot believe you think of us like that!" He was now in shock.

"I have to go." I ran past them all and had tears falling like a waterfall and I heard people calling my name but I just kept running.

I checked my phone once I began to pace down the sidewalk and I got two new messages. Wait, three! My phone buzzed once more.

Hazza: Hey, You are more than worth it, you should be thinking that we are not worth it. If you never noticed, you are worth every penny on this planet. We love you, for you. Forget models, dancers, singers, you are you, that is the true definition of perfect. Text back when you are ready, love.

Niall: Models are too perfect, just being near you makes me grin, never change, not for a single soul. I love you Rem. Feel better.

Louis: I love you. I will break up with Elenour. I want you. You are beautiful, perfect, great sense of humor, your smile is grand! I love you Remedy Mason. I love you to the moon and back!

I was now grinning like an idiot.

"Hey pretty princess." It was Nialler he winked and then came over and I stood up and we hugged.

"How did you..?" I was smiling again.

"I figured." He smiled back.

"Good guess..?" I winked.

"Yes, let's get you to my flat and you can rest there for tonight!" He hugged me and took my hand as we walked to Nialls flat.

"REM!!!" Harry saw us walk in and he instantly took his place by my side.

"Hey Hazza, I love you too!" I looked at them both.

"Hey, how are you?" Danielle hugged me lightly and released instantly.

"I am just fine!" I smiled.

"Let's get you cleaned up for Simons party tonight." Danielle smiled and I was confused but then I remembered!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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