Chapter 3

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(From now on, all speeches are in Korean unless stated)

"Taeyeon!" A girl screamed in excitement as Taeyeon enters the hotel's lobby.

"Yuri? When did you get here? You should've told me to come and get you." Taeyeon replied in excitement as she hugs Yuri who was rushing towards her.

"I did! I called you many times but no one picked up. But it's ok, I just got here." Yuri said as she let go of Taeyeon's hug.

"Oh, yeah... I kinda don't have my phone anymore." Taeyeon mumbled and once again felt her anger from the incident with Tiffany.

"Why? What happened?" Yuri asked curiously. And so Taeyeon retold what happened to Yuri. "Oh my gosh, are you serious? I'm sorry such thing happened to you!"

"Well it's over. Let's go to our room and get us a goodnight sleep." Taeyeon suggested with a lightly forced smile on her face as she reach into her back pocket to get her...wallet. "Wait, where's my wallet? Ah, don't tell me it fell out when I was chasing that girl! Aish the room's key was in there! And my student ID!" Once again Taeyeon was furious of all the things that have happening to her lately.

After she and Yuri discussed, they decided to go to the front desk to ask for another key.

"May I see your ID please?" The front desk lady asked.

"But I lost my wallet and everything!" Taeyeon replied.

"I'm sorry but to prevent thieves faking as one of our guests we need to see their ID." The front desk lady responded. Though she pity Taeyeon, it's against the hotel's rule if she give Taeyeon the keys.

"Oh great. This is such a great day. Good thing I always put my money in a different pocket or else I would have to walk home." Taeyeon sigh. Then she recognized a hotel employee that helped her with her luggage earlier and pointed straight to him. "He helped me to get in my room earlier, he can prove that the room is actually mine!"

After checking with the hotel employee that the room really belongs to Taeyeon, the front desk lady gave Taeyeon the keys to her room. Taeyeon helped Yuri with her luggage then settled in the room where they spent the night together.


"Come on, hurry! You're so slow, Jessica!" Tiffany nagged as she and Jessica pulled their luggage towards the school gate. Though she had her two pink suitcases with her she was still too hyper to get into her dorm. Even though she has already been in Korea for 3 days and is about to start school, she refuses to use Korean towards Jessica.

"Why are you so hyper? We're just moving in to SCHOOL. Not like going we're going on a vacation." Jessica complained as she struggle with her own luggage.

Since today was the official day to move in, there were many other students checking in as well. The line to check-in to get their room assignments was long and it took Tiffany and Jessica about 45 minutes to get to the front. After checking in and receiving their room assignments, Tiffany couldn't wait even another second and quickly dragged Jessica with her to their room. Because of the perfect English they used towards each other, they attracted many eyes of curious students. And so they both got to their side of the joint room and settled in.

"Let's go look around the school! And maybe we can find that Taeyeon girl!" Tiffany quickly suggested to Jessica who is about to take a nap on her new bed. "Hey! Jessica! Are you really going to take a nap?!"

"Ya! Hwang Mi Young! We have 5 more days until school start to look around. Why rush? Just let me rest, ok? Goodnight!" Jessica scold then pulled the blanket over her head.

"Fine! I'll go alone!" Tiffany screamed back then headed for the door. When she opened the door, she heard a bumping sound. Did she hit something?...or someone?

"Ow," a sound came from the other side of the door. It sounded like a girl's voice.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were there. Are you ok?" Tiffany quickly responded back in English, forgetting that she's in Korea and she wasn't even talking to Jessica. Then she stepped out of the room to talk to the girl.

"Huh?" The girl looked at Tiffany with much curiosity in her eyes. Then out her wild guess that Tiffany does not know Korean, the girl responded back in her Korean-accented English, "It's ok. Hi, my name is Yuri. I am your next door roommate. Nice to meet you." Then she bowed to Tiffany.

"Hi! I mean annyonghaseyo." Tiffany corrected herself then started to speak Korean towards her new roommate. "I'm Tiffany. Nice to meet you too. Your name is YuRi?" Again with her huge American accent and the English "r" in Yuri's name. Then she held out her hand and shook hand with Yuri who still looked confused. Oh wait, am I supposed to bow? Aish Tiffany you need to learn all the traditions or else you'd offend someone! Tiffany thought.

"Oh you speak Korean." Yuri continued but now in Korean. "I just came to introduce myself since we will be sharing the bathroom and all." Yuri tried to look over Tiffany's shoulder to see that Jessica's sleeping on her bed. "Is that your roommate?" She then asked.

"Oh Jessica? Yes, she's my roommate. She's taking a nap." Tiffany replied with a mocking tone towards Jessica.

Jessica? Such a pretty name. She has an English name she must be a native English speaker as well? Yuri thought. "Oh, would you like to meet my roommate?" She asked.

Of course Tiffany couldn't wait to see new people and quickly said "Yes!" and followed Yuri to her room.

"Taeyeon ah! Come meet our next door roommate!" Yuri said while opening the door to their side of the room.

Taeyeon was sitting on her bed unpacking her things. Once she heard Yuri's voice, she stood up and walked towards the door to greet her new roommate.

Thinking that she should bow this time, Tiffany bends down and bows her head down in front of Taeyeon, hiding her face from Taeyeon. By the time she finished bowing and looked up, she quickly realized Taeyeon was the girl from yesterday.

"You! You're that girl!" Taeyeon pointed as soon as she saw Tiffany's face.

"You two know each other? How come I didn't know this before?" Yuri asked.

"She's the girl that made me lost my cell phone!" Taeyeon screamed bring back her anger.

Oh. So I guess she couldn't catch that other girl last night. Ah Tiffany, you're in trouble already. Tiffany thought. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do it." Tiffany apologized again softly as she bends her head down.

"Sorry? Did you know how many meals I had to skip in order to save enough money for that phone?!" Taeyeon screamed in Tiffany's face.

"Ya, Taeyeon. It's ok. Look at her, she looks so apologetic. She must not mean to. She was trying to help a girl who she thought was being bullied." Yuri said and patted Tiffany on her shoulder. "It's okay Tiffany,"

"But I found this though." Tiffany said pulling out Taeyeon's wallet. "I was going to look for you since I know you will be going Honey University." Handing the wallet back to Taeyeon.

"Yay! My wallet! I don't have to worry about my student ID anymore." Taeyeon rejoiced as she looked through her lost wallet.

"See. Now that you got your wallet back, don't be mad at Tiffany anymore. Ok?" Yuri said as she wrapped her arm around Taeyeon's shoulder. "How about we go and get lunch together?" Yuri suggested, hoping to be able to ease Taeyeon's tension towards Tiffany.

"Whatever you want Yuri." Taeyeon replied

"Great! Let me get Jessica, she loves to eat." Tiffany excited responded then went to her side of the room to get Jessica.

"Jessica?" Taeyeon asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's Tiffany's roommate." Yuri replied.


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