Chapter 29

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After filling out some paperwork, Taeyeon, Yuri, and Jessica walked to the room where Tiffany will be resting for the new couple of days. They didn’t want to interrupt Tiffany’s sleep so they stood outside and watch her through the glass window. 

Tiffany…she really loves me that much? Enough that she has done this to herself? Taeyeon thought as she watches Tiffany through the glass window. I’m sorry, I did not know that. I didn’t know that I had such an impact on you. And I’m sorry that I…can’t return your love. I am a bad person, don’t love me anymore. She felt somewhat guilty and regretful for what she has done. “I’m going back now.” She said then left the hospital.

Jessica did not want to leave Tiffany alone so she decided to stay here with her. With Jessica staying, Yuri had no choice but to stay with her as well, though she wanted to stay with Tiffany either ways. After a few hours of sitting on the bench outside Tiffany’s room waiting for morning, Jessica was found sleeping on Yuri’s shoulder. Soon Yuri too, fell asleep and leaned her head on Jessica’s. 

Morning finally arrived and of course it was Yuri who woke up first while Jessica was still sleeping on her shoulder comfortably. Yuri had a good amount of time watching Jessica sleeping before she finds herself awake on Yuri’s shoulder.

“Finally awake?” Yuri teased with a smile.

“Your shoulder was comfortable that’s why I stayed in for a bit longer.” Jessica replied then slowly lifts her head from Yuri’s shoulder.

As they sat on the bench looking through the glass window of Tiffany’s room, they noticed some movement. After a few more seconds, they saw Tiffany’s eyes slowly opens. And so together they went in the room to check on Tiffany.

“Tiffany, are you okay now?” Jessica asked as she sits on the bed.

“I’m fine now.” Tiffany replied and showed them something that they hadn’t seen for the past few days, her smile. After looking around, Tiffany said, “I remember hearing Taeyeon’s voice.”

Jessica looked at Yuri then back at Tiffany. “She was with us when we took you in but left after the doctor treated you.” She replied though hesitated.

“Well, at least I know that she doesn’t hate me.” Tiffany stated.

“Tiffany you_”

“No, Jessica.” Tiffany interrupted. “I’m fine now, really. During the time that I was resting here, I’ve thought it over. I thought about how I still have you and Yuri by my side. I thought about my life and my future. And after all that thinking, I’ve decided that I won’t hurt myself any longer over this. I can’t let you guys worry about me.” She stated looking at Jessica with seriousness. “I’m really fine.” She added with a smile.


Jessica and Yuri had called the school to let them know that they won’t be attending school today since they had to take care of Tiffany. Even without them, Taeyeon went to school as normal. After the final bell rang, Taeyeon, Sunny, and Sooyoung walked to tennis practice as usual.

“Taeyeon!” A voice shouted catching Taeyeon’s attention. When she turned around she found Sunmi running towards her.

“What is it?” Taeyeon asked. Although they are on the team together, they rarely talked thus, it surprised her when Sunmi called out her name.

“I wanted to talk to you about something…” She paused. “I’m sorry but last time, it was actually me who accidentally hit Sunny.” She continued lowering her head. “I have been worried about my grades therefore I wasn’t able to concentrate that day and missed the serve badly. I know I should have been more careful after the first one but it came unexpected. I’m really sorry for causing so much trouble.”

“What do you mean by the first one? There was a second one?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Oh, I guessed you didn’t see it. I had another bad serve when you guys were taking a break. I almost hit you but I saw Tiffany rushed over and used her back to block it from getting to you. I thought you would have noticed since I remember hitting that serve really hard.” Sunmi explained scratching her head because she was feeling so guilty.

“She did what?” Surprised from Sunmi’s words, Taeyeon asked with a raised tone.

“I was going to tell you that day but you guys left before I could have. And the following days I was not able to make it to tennis practice and thus I wasn’t able to tell you till today.” Sunmi stated.

“But Sunny must have seen it_”

“Actually,” Sunny interrupted. “I didn’t really see where the ball had come from since I was distracted by Sungmin oppa’s game on the men’s court.” Sunny shyly disclosed.

“Why didn’t you tell me? That means…I’ve wrongly accused Tiffany.” Taeyeon realized.


After the staying with Tiffany for an entire day, Jessica and Yuri returned to school the next day leaving Tiffany at the hospital. Though they left her there during the day, they would always return after tennis practice was over. And they continued to do that till the 4th day, which was when Tiffany was discharged from the hospital. 

Tiffany is fine now. She’s eating regularly like usual and smiles as usual though not as much. And since she was fine, she decided that she should come back to class on this very morning. Waking up as early as usually, she went in the bathroom to get ready. While brushing her teeth the door from Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s side swing opened. 

“Yuri, are you in here?” Taeyeon asked as she sticks her head in the door…only to find Tiffany there. “Oh, sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Tiffany replied then carried on with brushing her teeth. She didn’t know how she should act in front of Taeyeon anymore and so she decided that it would be best if she keeps her mouth shut. She quickly finish brushing her teeth then turned to Taeyeon, “If you need to use the bathroom, I’m done.” She said then turns back around towards her room.

“Ya, Tiffany.” Taeyeon hesitated. When Tiffany turned back around she continued. “I’m…I’m sorry for accusing you the other day. And I…don’t really hate you. I was just being impulsive that day…”

Tiffany was surprised by Taeyeon’s word but just smiled and replied “It’s fine. I’m sure I was pretty annoying to you as well. So I’m also sorry.”

“Uh…no problem?”

“We’re still friends, right?” Tiffany asked, again with her usual smile then sticks her hand out waiting for a handshake.

“Yeah, definitely…” Taeyeon responded then shook Tiffany’s hand though it was quite awkward after all that has happened.

“Well then, see you around.” Tiffany bid farewell to Taeyeon then went back to her room.

“See you around?” Taeyeon mumbled to herself after Tiffany had left the bathroom. How could she act so normal again after what she’s been through? But ‘see you around’? This is the first time I’ve felt so distanced from her ever since the first week of school.


“Sica ah, wake up already!” Tiffany nagged as she shakes Jessica’s body back and forth.

“I haven’t had a goodnight sleep for so many days because of you! Let me sleep in a bit more. Or best if I just skip school today.” Jessica groans pushing Tiffany aside.

“Ya! Maybe I should get Yuri to wake you up. I’m sure she has a cucumber somewhere in her room.” Tiffany stated then chuckled evilly.

“What’s wrong? Jessica’s not awake yet?” Yuri poked in out of the blue from the bathroom door. “Let me try,” Yuri said then walks over to Jessica’s bed. “But you have to turn away though.” She added staring at Tiffany who was carefully watching her.

“Why?” Tiffany asked. But after seeing Yuri’s glare, she gave in. “Fine.” She replied then turned away.

Confirmed that Tiffany has looked away, Yuri slowly lowers her head getting closer to Jessica’s face. Once again, Yuri turned around to confirm that Tiffany is indeed looking away. After reconfirming herself, she turned back to Jessica and whispers to her ears. “Ya, if you wake up right now I’ll give you a special treat tonight.”

“What special treat?” Jessica asked back popping her eyes open to see Yuri so close to her face. 

“A cucumber sandwich.” Yuri chuckled then pulled herself up from being so close to Jessica. “Come on, get up already.” She demanded and pulled Jessica up.

“Wow, you’re so good. Want to give me some tips?” Tiffany asked as she stares at Jessica who’s wide awake.

“Kwon Yuri, you’re a jerk.” Jessica stated then went to the bathroom to wash up.

“It’s a secret, I can’t tell you.” Yuri replied then smiled at Tiffany.

“Whatever. I don’t want to know what’s going on with you guys anyways…” Tiffany stated then rolled her eyes.

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