Chapter 13

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The next few days of school everything went…normally. Sleeping beauty woke up as late as usually but managed to get to class on time. After school, they four girls went to tennis practice as usual then back to their dorm to shower, and do homework. And for Junsu, he continued to ask Taeyeon out on a date. And like normally, Taeyeon rejected him or tried avoid him, some how. Today is Saturday and everything was about to go as normal until Yuri stepped out of her room to get something from the convenient store close by. Junsu had noticed that Yuri has stepped out and quickly knocked on Taeyeon’s room.

“Did you forget your keys?” Taeyeon asked from inside, thinking it was Yuri. When she opens the door she was surprised and felt annoyed to see Junsu. “Junsu, what is it?” She asked.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask if you want to go out tonight. I’ve asked your classmates and they said that you guys didn’t have much homework.” Junsu said slowly entering the room.

He even asked my classmates? What is he? Why won’t he get the fact that I don’t want to go out with him?! Taeyeon thought as she tries to block Junsu from entering her room. “Um, yeah. But I think Tiffany and I are going to play tennis against Yuri and Jessica in a bit.” She lied.

Tiffany was in the bathroom washing her face when Taeyeon’s and Junsu’s conversation caught her attention. Since Taeyeon’s bathroom door was unlocked, she could clearly hear what they’re saying. Ya, use a better reason, would you? Always using me as an excuse. Tiffany thought and continues to eavesdrop. 

“I’m sure Tiffany wouldn’t mind if I borrow you for a bit. I’ve already asked for her permission if I could borrow you. And she says yes. Tiffany’s a really nice girl, she’ll understand.” Junsu insisted as he advances in the room.

Oh my gosh. He asked for her permission? And why in the world did she say yes?! I’m going to kill her! Taeyeon thought. “Even if that’s so, I’m really tired from the first week of school.” She lied and forced out a smile. “Oh, and your iphone. I’m sorry but it’s too much for me to accept it so please take it back.” Taeyeon grabbed the phone and handed to Junsu.

Junsu held on to the iphone box and stared at it. “You just don’t want to go out with me, right?” Junsu asked with a serious face. “It’s not like I’m dumb, Taeyeon. I know you’ve always tried to reject me or avoid me. I know. I’m not dumb. But I continue to be shameless because I believe that one day I will succeed in asking you out. Tell me, is there anything I can do or change so you would like me?” 

“Junsu…” Taeyeon was speechless. She didn’t know what she should say next. She didn’t want to hurt him since she’s too nice of a person. Finally she thought of what Tiffany told her the other day. Just tell him you like someone else already. She recites it in her head. “It’s not your fault, Junsu. It’s me.” She paused, and reassured that this was the only thing she could say to him right now. “I already like someone else. And we’re in a relationship right now.” 

Not only did Junsu’s eyes widen, so did Tiffany’s eyes. She covers her mouth and continued to listen while Junsu just stood there.

“Who is it?” He finally asked.

Oh shoot. Who am I going to say? Oh my gosh. What to do now? “I can’t tell you who it is.” Taeyeon pulled it off coolly.

“Don’t lie to me. You’re just trying to make me give up. I know.” Junsu insisted.

“No, I do like someone.”

“Then who is it?”

“It’s…it’s…” Taeyeon hesitated as she tries to think of something. What to do. What to do. She repeated in her head.

“You don’t like anyone, you’re just trying to lie to me. I can tell.” Junsu said. 

Just then Tiffany opens the bathroom door and came in Taeyeon. Also at the same time, Yuri had come back from the convenient store. Tiffany noticed Yuri but ignored it and stepped in front of Taeyeon.

“Ya! Kim Junsu! She’s my girlfriend!” Tiffany shouted then quickly turns around and put her arms around Taeyeon’s shoulder. “So stop bothering her, already!”

They were all shocked by Tiffany’s words, even Tiffany herself. She didn’t know what she was doing but she didn’t care. 

“So you’re telling me you and her are….? I don’t believe you!” Junsu yelled back in disbelief.

“You don’t believe me? We’ve even kissed! I’ll prove it to you!” Tiffany said and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon’s eyes widen when she heard that Tiffany was going to “prove it”. What does she think she’s doing? Tiffany! Are you nuts? Taeyeon thought while giving Tiffany the don’t-do-it look. 

To prove her point, Tiffany ignored Taeyeon’s don’t-do-it look. She wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s shoulder so she wouldn’t be able to struggle. Her face gets closer and closer to Taeyeon, to the point where they could felt each other’s breath. Taeyeon tried to struggle but Tiffany had such a tight grip on her so she was unsuccessful at doing so. Unable to struggle, Taeyeon gave in and closes her eyes, waiting for Tiffany’s kiss. When Tiffany saw that Taeyeon had closed her eyes, she also closes her eyes and begins to move towards Taeyeon’s lips. It took Tiffany about another two seconds before her lips touch Taeyeon’s. Their lips stayed in contact for the next three seconds. But to them the three seconds seem to last three centuries. Finally, Tiffany let go of Taeyeon and the kiss. Both Tiffany’s and Taeyeon’s cheeks were flushed red.

Oh my gosh. Tiffany, what are you doing? Do you even know what you’re doing? Are you crazy? Tiffany thought to herself as she stood next to Taeyeon.

Both Yuri and Junsu were shocked at what they’re seeing. 

“But I thought you and Jessica were together? I saw you came in the bathroom with Jessica inside.” Yuri asked.

Taeyeon was still in shock to hear Yuri’s question thus, she ignored it completely.

“That was me. I was in the bathroom with Taeyeon. After Taeyeon and I had left, Jessica came in the bathroom.” Tiffany explained.

“Stop! I believe you now.” Junsu screamed then walked towards Taeyeon who was still in shocked from the kiss. “I’m sorry to have bothered you for so long.” With that Junsu walked out of the room with the iphone in his hand. 

“Ok. I’m going back to my room now.” Tiffany said with a smile and tried to escape the scene before she gets in trouble.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower.” Taeyeon said as she grabs her towel and headed for the bathroom.

“Taeyeon! Didn’t you just take a shower?” Yuri asked but Taeyeon had already gone in the bathroom with Tiffany.

“Ya, what just happened out there? What were you thinking?!” Taeyeon asked as she wipes her lips with her hand.

“I was just trying to help you out. I…I didn’t know what else to do to make him believe so…” Tiffany tried to explain to Taeyeon. 

“Aish, what are we going to do now?” Taeyeon scratched her head. “We can clear it up with Yuri but what about Junsu?”

“We’ll just have to act as a couple or else he’ll know that we tricked him.” Tiffany proposed. 

“Me and you? A couple?” Taeyeon said. 

“A FAKE couple.” Tiffany emphasizes. “It’ll only be for a while and only in front of Junsu.” She added.

“Ok, I guess.” Taeyeon sighed. “But you better not kiss me again!” She warned.

Tiffany chuckled. “Unless if you want me to!” She smiled then left the bathroom. 

Taeyeon remembered that she has just taken a shower not long ago and walked out of the bathroom.

“I forgot that I had already taken a shower.” She said as she came back in the room. 

“So what’s going on with you two?” Yuri asked.

“It’s not what you think it is.” Taeyeon responded then told Yuri about the whole incident..

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