First meeting him ( or it )

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OMG I can't believe this you thought as you walked away from the booth that your idol Parker Croft stayed at. You couldn't believe that you had met your idol for the first time. You couldn't stop smiling as you walked around the building that comi-con was being held at. You looked at your phone and check the time it was 6:56 comi-con would be over soon. You headed out of the building and looked around for your car, you had parked on the other side of the lot so you would be getting some exercise.

You walked across the parking lot keeping an eye on your car suddenly you could hear the sound of another pair of footsteps. You figured that it was someone that had parked in the same section as you so you continued walking again. The footsteps followed close behind you started to think someone was following you and you whipped around looking around. Whoever was following you they were gone now. You then began to walk faster the footsteps matching your pace.

You broke into a run to your car but before you could reach for the car door handle a hand pulled your arm back.
The person turned you around now holding both of your wrists tightly you felt you're heart stop as you looked at who had been chasing you... It was Parker but something about him was different , almost unreal.
" for a second I thought you were actually going to get away. " he said grinning. You swallowed hard
" what do you want... Who are you ?, "
he chuckled softly
" name's Evron and you'll find out soon enough what it is that I want ( Y/N ), "
Before you could do or say anything else you felt a needle puncture your arm. You felt tired and exhausted after a few seconds the last thing you remembered was Parker
saying " sleep tight. " before closing your eyes and falling asleep.

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