(13) I love her.

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Erica Santos

“You'll have to excuse my distracted self. I'm too busy enjoying the carefree world inside my head to be bothered by the overcomplicated, overdramatic, and just plain hellishness of the real world,” I replied without a breath or a pause, “Can you please repeat your question?”

My teacher stared dumbly at me, accompanied by the twenty-odd pairs of eyes that belonged to my fellow classmates. Again, as if I was a rare specimen on a petri dish.

Whaaat? Am I the only one not allowed to zone out in class?

I glowered at them. They still stared.

Rude, much?

Mr. Collin noisily cleared his throat, but I dragged my glare around the room – some flinched from its scorching intensity – before I returned my attention to him. “What’s the question, sir?”

“Never mind, Ms. Santos,” he mumbled as he returned to the blackboard. “See me later after class.”

Oh my crabbing nooo!

I had a scheduled interview later with the newspaper company! I still have to buy corporate attire and a new set of make-up… and it could take me who knows how long! I had no time to waste, no time to spare. With that in mind, I sputtered the lamest excuse I could think of, “I can't, sir. I-I…I have a date.”

He didn't turn. “Uh-huh.”

“I’m not joking, sir.”

“Are you telling me that meeting a guy is more important than learning discipli– “

I tried to use the most persuasive voice I could muster. “Can you just let it go once? I promise I'll behave next time. If I don't go today, you’ll ruin my entire life – “

“After class, Ms. Santos,” he hissed, but his gruff voice was overcome by the loudest shrieking noise I ever heard. Everybody stood up in alarm, and hysteria swept over everyone. In a span of few seconds, the whole class was running towards the door.

Oops... Wait. You on the same page as me? Yes? No? Yes or no? Yes? Uh-huh. Answer! Not? Are you sure?

Then, I think I should rewind a bit.

                                                                                     * * *

Time was a blur.

Hours and hours passed by, but it seemed like each of them were painfully fast, I couldn’t keep up. I was caught in a gushing current – restlessly and constantly on motion. Classes and lectures wouldn’t register in my head.

It was like I was within a film. Fast forwarded. Times two. Times four. Times sixteen.

It was bewildering.

Where was the stop button?

Like water, I moved through the school crowd without care, flowing through the spaces in between them without noticing anything around me. Things held that dream-like quality one felt when in a trance. I knew I was writing on my notebook, but I had no idea what it was about. I knew someone was talking to me, but I couldn't understand his or her voice.

I could've stepped on someone's foot or hit my head on a post or entered the wrong classroom – but I didn't notice.

I couldn’t care.

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