( 35 ) It was inevitable.

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( 35 ) – It was inevitable.

Jason Greene

Da duhm da da da da duhm…

Groaning, I shifted the pillow to cover my face and my ears. I was only spared for a while. After a minute or so, my phone’s ring tone filled my room again. Ignoring it was supposed to be easy, especially when my eyelids felt like they were heavy boulders. But as it was, that special ringtone was assigned to someone I knew would beat me to a pulp if ignored…

I raised a lazy hand, blindly searching for the bothersome gadget.

“Bullshit!” The double doors of my room slammed open, making me jump from bed. I fell awkwardly on the carpet, barely saving my teeth from being knocked off. The ringing of the phone stopped. “Dad! Wake up! We have an emergency.”

“What the –“  I cursed when someone shoved me away from the soft comforter. I blinked back at the blue eyes that were the exact copy of mine. “Huh?” It's like I'm looking at a mirror, except that the hair of my reflection wasn't dyed.


“Get up now! We have to leave.”

Something was definitely wrong here. His previous words slowly trickled at the back of my mind. “Wait. Did you just call me -- dad?”

The words died from my lips as I took in his ashen face. “I-I, it doesn’t matter!” he sputtered. “The Head Guardian! The Head Guardian! H-he, he lost it!”

Geez. This kid is so prone to panic attacks, I wonder how he would survive in the harsh world of adults.

“Lost what?”

"He's lost it!" he kept repeating, as if that would make me understand.

I wanted to drill my knuckles into his skull, but as it was, I merely head-butted him. Given, his head was as hard as mine. Wincing, I pushed him away from me and wiped the last remnants of sleep from my face.

“Get a grip. Are you high or something?” I could not help but let out a hearty yawn. Can’t he give me a break? “My head's still catching up.”

“I’m serious here!”

Right. “What’s up then?”

He opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by three sharp knocks. Our heads twisted simultaneously to the door area.

“Jason, Imogen here wants to speak with you.” A tall blonde who looks like my best friend’s annoying little sister, popped out from nowhere. For a span of thought, I gawked.

No freakin' way.

“Lee?” I must have gotten a head concussion earlier, or I wouldn’t be hallucinating like this. “What on earth are you doing here?”

“I’ll explain later,” she answered in that high-pitched voice of hers. Flipping her hair on one side, I eyed her warily before relieving her of the dainty pink phone with flower key chain attached to it.

My eyes wandered below her neckline. Leaves and dirt clung on her frilly dress.  “Did your boobs just get bigger?”

She slapped the side of my face with her wrist, but her grin was wide despite it being nervous. She’s one tough girl, I had to admit. “Shut up.”

“How’d you get past the security?”

“I have means, but that is for later. Right now, we have to find Len?"

"What happened?"

"Len just disappeared into thin air like, you know, the way vampires in movies do. That ‘cloak of the night’ thing. Imogen said that it’ll be problematic if he found Erica.”

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