Worried About Her Future

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I sat outside her room, waiting for her to wake up. I have asked the doctor multiple times (probably to the point of annoying her) if I could go in and see her. Finally she went in to check on Jo, which seemed to take longer than usual. Then I heard voices. It was Jo! I was so distracted I didn't see the woman with auburn hair walk up besides me. She tapped on my shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, I'm looking for Josephine Vancay's room. Do you happen to know where her room is?"

I looked at her but what was strange is that she seemed familiar in a way.

"No ma'am, the only Josephine here is Josephine Yancey."

"I didn't know she used Laryngitis's name..." she said quietly. However, not quietly enough. I heard her.

"Excuse me ma'am but might I ask you're talking about my father?"

"Might I ask who you are young man?" she asked as she eyed me warily.

"I'm Theodore Yancey, my father is Laryngitis. I was just curious to why you were talking about him is all."

The nurse comes out of the room and sees us standing there. She looks at the woman, who I still don't know, and says

"Ah, you must be Miss Josephine's mother, is that correct?"

"You are quite right." she answers the nurse.

I stand there not knowing what to think. I blink a few times and try to organize my thoughts. Did she seriously just say she was Jo's mother?!? I look back at her and now realize why she felt familiar. She reminds me of Jo. As I think back, I am not wary of this woman. Is it true she is Jo's mom, if so why hasn't she shown up before now? I want to go in and warn Jo but the nurse is already leading the woman inside. I start to panic so I sit back down in the chair. I wait and listen. All of a sudden I hear yelling, it must be Jo! I try to calm down but it wasn't really working. There is still more yelling and then it all goes quiet. The woman steps out the door. She turns towards me and stares.... but I stare right back. Then her eyes turn from a subtle blue to an intense purple. She turns and walks away. I'm not quite sure what just happened but whatever it was it wasn't good. What I want to know though is, who was that woman and why did she want to see Jo? This can't be good.....

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