Mail #7

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Subj: 'til next time!


Thanks for the coffee session last thursday! Gaea and I enjoyed your company. I hope it happens again next time!

So how was your shopping galore with Gaea? I heard you two bought lots of clothes? She can't stop gushing about you. Jeez. Haha.

Anywaaays, Clark's a good guy. I don't know if you noticed but the tension between us was really evident and I bet you can cut it with a knife.

We got along in the end but it was really awkward. Seems like he really likes you. He better treat you right or I'll kick his ass.

Until next time,

{ A/N }
Hello! This is a really short update but I'll post another update later. Woohoo. Double update in one day! Stick around to see what's it about. ;)

QOTD: What's your favorite book?

Mine is probably The Selection series, TMI series, Everyday and Thirteen Reasons Why. :)

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