Hey James.
How are you? Thank you for all the letters, I've read all of them. Not immediately though. I honestly just read them now. Since you sent this through snail mail (for what reason that I do not know), I might as well send it through the same way.
Thank you for sending me those letters, it made me realize that you still cared. Sorry if it's only now that I wrote back. Your letter was a written(?) and sent a month ago, and I wasn't able to write back because my schedule was really really hectic.
I could say sorry for the whole letter but what fun would that be, right? So I'm just going to tell you what has been going on with my life.
I know it's probably all over social media, but yes, I am seeing someone. Dating, if you wish. He's not from showbiz, so it's actually a lot more easier. Not saying that our relationship was shitty and hard, but you get the idea.
Well, I haven't really confirmed it to the media or the public yet. I don't know how. I don't want to risk his privacy. I respect that. He knows about it so we're cool.
I miss you, James. Not intimately, but generally. Like, I miss your jokes, your voice, your sound, how you sleep, or whatever. I miss you as a person, as a friend. That doesn't sound too harsh, does it? I hope it doesn't though.
Yes, I listened to your album. It was released way back even before you sent me a copy. Bought it on iTunes. Thanks for a physical copy though. Haha.
I listened to Babalik, like what you asked me to do. And honestly, I am out of words. I don't know what to say. I don't know if I should thank you or feel flattered because you wrote me a song or if I should feel bad.
I'm sorry. I'm really having a great time with him (the guy I'm dating who shall not be named. Yet.) and he's respecting me, he's treating me right. I know you're worried but I trust him. Don't worry. If he hurts me, you'll be the first one to know and we'll both kick his ass. Haha.
Thanks James. For everything. I'd say let's hang out but I know this will mess everyone up. Next time, maybe.
Take care James.
The ever-so-beautiful (lol kidding),
Nadine.{ A/N }
Told you I have something for you. Hah. I wasn't really supposed to write Nadine's response buuut yknow. It'd be fun. Hahahaha.Tell me what you think about this. I'll wait for it, guys. ❤️
-pat. x