Author's Note

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Hi Guys!

If you're seeing this then I would really like to thank you for your consideration towards reading my fan fiction! Thank you so much!

Just some a few warnings in case there are some sensitive readers out there- this story does contain some violence, language and mature content. Though, the 'mature content' does not go into depth at ALLL, so it should be fine! It won't be considered as 18+, let alone 16+ (?). When you get to that point- you'll see what I mean :) 

As for the language- apologies, but there are some minor swearing,

Whereas for the violence- it's not too violent, nothing major, not very detailed. I DO NOT SUPPORT VIOLENCE! Haha

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the fan fiction with Park Yoochun!

Wrong Number - A Park Yoochun (JYJ) FanFic [+COMPLETED+]Where stories live. Discover now