Chapter 1: A typical day!

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Lexi's POV:

"Nurse Walker we need you in room 202," I heard over the intercom by the nurses station. 202 was little Caleb's room he may just be the sweetest and cutest little boy I have ever seen or been encountered with. He has leukemia and the doctors gave him six months left to live and we are on to the ninth month and we are going strong. Yes, if your wondering I'm a pediatric nurse and I love what I do even if things get tough sometimes. I love kids and I guess that was one of the main reasons I chose this field to pursue.

"Lexi," I heard his sweet little voice say as I walked into his room which was completely crowded with balloons, posters of his favorite superheroes and his family. "Caleb, sweetheart how are you today?" I asked knowing the answer before he would tell me as I was reading through his file before I walked into the room. "Not so good Lexi, I vomited this morning and mommy and daddy were crying, why were they crying Lexi?" He asked me and I was just crushed how do you tell a little boy that he doesn't have much time left. well you don't first of all and you try to take their mind off of it. "Well mister man, mommy and daddy were crying because they were watching a sad movie you know like when you watched Wreck it Ralph and Venolope was going to get stuck in the game forever and we both cried, well mommy and daddy were watching a sad movie and they were crying," I told him. "Oh, I cried in Inside Out as well. Have you seen that one?" He asked in a little tired voice. "No I haven't but I'm sure I could make sometime to come and watch it with you on my day off. How about this Saturday?" I asked him and he was so quick to reply with a yes and a smile that lit his little face up. I loved my job but watching these little children suffer from a illness no one has seemed to find the cure for is just heart breaking. Nobody deserves to go through the pain these little children do, not even the worst people in the world because watching the children go through this and then seeing the parents after, you just can't help but want to do more than you could but you can't. "Alright mister man, I'm going to put on a movie for you to watch and I want you to get some rest before your lunch arrives okay," I whispered to him as I helped him under his covers and switched the television to his favorite movie,'Jungle Book.' "Alright nurse Lexi I'll see you later," he smiled at me as he settled down into his blankets and pillows and I switched off his light walking out of his room just as the opening credits began to roll.

Walking down the corridors making my way towards the nurses quarters I smiled at patients who were walking around and families who were waiting for news they hoped were good. "Lex, let's go get some coffee," I heard my best friend Lucy's voice as she was approaching me. I agreed as I had finished checking up on all my patients and was just going to wait around until it was their lunch time and coffee sounded really good right now as I have been awake since three this morning and at work since five and don't clock out until five, five thirty this afternoon. Lucy and I grew up together because living in a small town everyone know everyone at least I think so and everyone is very friendly and pleasant.

"Lex, I got invited to this club opening that is an hour drive out of town and it's very exclusive and I'm allowed a plus one," she rambles off as we were standing in line at the, 'Coffee Corner,' the hospitals coffee shop that was on the first floor. I knew where this was going so I gave her my answer flat, "No, I'm not the partying type Lucy and you know this since what happened," I replied. " but Lex I really want you to come with me it'll be just like old times just the two of us, two best friends a night on the town. Please?" She pleaded. "Lucy you know I don't like clubs why don't you ask Jace I'm sure he would love to go with you," I replied. "Because Lex you need to go out, you have been caged in for the last six months and I'm sick and tired of watching you this way," Lucy yelled a little louder than intended. I grabbed my coffee from the counter and walked off without a second glance how could she say that she knows not to bring him up everyone knows this and when I feel like I'm moving forward one step I'm knocked back fifty.

I continued on with my day ignoring Lucy as much as I could but I know this isn't going to last long, as the time ticked on I looked up at the clock to see it was five fifteen a great time for me to clock out and it gave me fifteen spare minutes to reach the beach on time. I waved goodbye to all the patients I passed and all the parents and families as well knowing tomorrow will be just like today was. I changed out of my uniform before I left the hospital stuffing it in my handbag as I made my way towards the beach.

The sun was just about to start setting as I found my normal spot waiting to see the last glimmer of light and releasing the breath I needed to release whole day, as I watched the sun dip behind the ocean, I said goodbye to you for the one hundred and thirty fourth time this year. My eyes closed taking in the ocean breeze and the cool fresh air around me oh and that smell of the ocean is all I needed to know I made it another day.

"Gorgeous,why are you sitting their all by yourself," I heard a voice behind me as I whipped my head around I'm pretty sure if it was just a tad bit faster I would have gotten whiplash.

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