Chapter 25: Red Eyes

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"Emily. Where's the target?" I asked.

"He is in the next building on the right. We should be able to catch him when he leaves the building," she replied.

"Very well," I replied promptly and stayed alert. "It seems like our information was correct."

It has been about three months since I became the Queen's Watchdog. I have been faring well, I guess... I get a job to do every few weeks. I wonder how many people have died at my hands so far. Ten? I guessing Ciel or to be precise, Sebastian killed way more.

Ciel... It has been three months since your supposedly 'death'.

I sighed.

Another reason why I became the Queen's Watchdog was to search for Ciel.

"Amelia... Your eyes became red again for a moment," Emily said nervously.


This has been happening more and more these days. My eyes would turn red and my strength would increase just like a demon. Emily said it was because of our bond and that I was slowly turning into a demon because of her.

I wonder what kind of demon I will become. Maybe a fire demon like Emily? That would be cool.

"Amelia, I just picked up a scent. A demon's scent..."

A demon? This is a first. We were sent by the Queen to kill this mass murderer who is to blame for a bunch of murders recently. Who knew the culprit was just some blood thirsty demon.

"We are going in for a closer look," I told her. She nodded in replied, then carried me and jumped off the building we were on. We landed at the entrance of the building, about to enter when  Emily stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"There are two demons now. We will not be able to handle it," she replied.

I sighed and nodded. "Let's wait until they leave then search for clues. For now, want to get lunch?"



"That was some good lunch..." I said happily as we walked back to the building.

"They are gone," Emily said.

"Oh they are?"

"I don't sense them anymore," Emily replied.

"Perfect! Now we can go in," I said and opened the entrance to the building. Man, was it bloody... Dead corpses lying on the ground.

How much did this demon need?

I sighed and walked around for clues.

There doesn't seem to be anything we can use.

"Do you see anything?" I asked Emily.

"No, but there is something shiny over there," Emily said and pointed to the direction. "There's some energy coming off it."

"Energy?" I wondered and walked to the direction she pointed to. There was something lying next to a corpse.  It was a gold pocket watch.

Wait! I recognize that pocket watch!

I quickly took it from the floor and opened it. There it was. The picture of Ciel and me and the soft, melodious and sleepy musical tune of 'Lacie' being played. I clutched the pocket watch to my chest and closed my eyes

I see it...

A garden under the night light, with small fireflies flying around, lighting the dim evergreens and flora. The very garden I showed him and gave him his birthday present. It was almost as if he was standing right next to me, yet too far to reach out to.

Ciel! Where exactly did you go?

I opened my eyes and came to a question.

How exactly did the murderer get his hands on this?

If he was the one who killed Ciel... It would only make sense. Only a demon can kill a demon... So this demon defeated Sebastian too? He must be strong... Can I really do this?


"A masquerade ball... It seems suspicious, but let's just stick to it and try to fit in," I sighed as I walked into the ball room with Emily. We were both dressed in ball gowns and wearing masquerade masks.

"Do you want anything to eat Amelia?" Emily asked.

"No thank you, stay on look out and blend in. It'd be better if we separate," I told her.

"All right," Emily replied and left.

I sighed and walked to a counter of the room and simply watched the guests dancing.

How boring...

I think I spotted a dancing blonde wearing a pink dress just now. Most probably Lizzie. Was she invited too? Should I go over there?

Nah, I will get distracted.

"Excuse me miss," a noble voice asked politely. "Would you like a dance?"

I glanced towards the source of the voice and saw a young boy who looked around my age with his height wearing all blue. Only one blue eye can be seen through his mask.

Should I? It would help in blending in...

"Yes please," I accepted with a smile and took his hand. It was surprisingly warm. We started to dance to the music. His moves were smooth and beautiful, I could see signs of hesitance and resistance from his actions though.

"Why are you hesitating?" I asked.

"I am afraid that I might do something that may offend you, seeing as how beautiful you are," the boy replied and laughed. I laughed along to his joke and replied, "Unfortunately, I see this as just a simple social dance as I have a fiance."

"Oh? Is that so? Your fiance must be a very lucky person," he replied.

"I hope he thought so that way," I replied with a solemn smile.

"What seems to be the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing at all," I replied.

The music started to take an upbeat and we danced faster. For some reason, this dance felt so nostalgic.

I wonder...

Unconsciously, I looked down.

"Now, one must look in the other's eyes during a dance," my partner said and I looked up. I realized that his eye had became red.

"Wasn't your eye blue...?" I asked.

"No miss, I believe you were mistaken. My eyes are red," he replied.


The music finally stopped and my partner walked past me, whispering, "Thank you for returning that back to me."


But before I could ask him of what it was that I returned him, he was already gone. I sighed and noticed that my pocket was lighter. I dug my hand in it and gasped in shock. The pocket watch was gone!

Ciel... Now I have nothing left of you...

Then realization struck me.

Ciel. I found you.

And no problem.

(A/N: Hey guys! Unfortunately, Amnesia is ending soon D: The next chapter will be the last chapter and then there will be the epilogue. Maybe I will do some special chapters? ^^ You guys can choose an arc from the anime or manga and I will twist it around with Amelia being brought into the arc. :P Just like what I did with the Book Of Murders Arc.)

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