Reliving The Past

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-Years Later-

I kept my promise up until now, after that trip in highschool...Ren and I didn't speak anymore. He ended up going to America and just never kept in touch, as for Hoseok...I'm not sure. All I did after graduation was go get Myoko then came right back to Japan, however Myoko is still adjusting. She hasn't really gotten used to being with just me, she looks for Hoseok but after the last time we saw each other, things didn't go so well.

Since then I haven't gone back to Korea.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu" I said as I walked downstairs.

Myoko wagged her tail.

"Hey girl" I smiled as I pet her.

She licked my hand and stood up on her hind legs to hug me.

I hugged her back. "You wanna go to the park today?"

She whined.

" wanna go play outside?"

She whined again.

"What is it?" I asked.

She began to bark noisily and pulled on my sweater.

"What?" I asked her.

She scratched the door a barked repeatedly.

I opened the door and she began to pull my sweated again.

"Myoko, what're you doing?"

She barked at me then began to run.


"Myoko! Wait!" I ran after her.


She panted.

"Myoko...Crazy girl..." I caught my breath.
It's the park but what exactly is she looking for?

She sniffed around and looked around, whining as if she were disappointed.

"You're looking for Hoseok, aren't you?" I asked.

She lifted her ears up and wagged her tail.

I felt bad, she really did miss him. I suppose maybe she's more accustomed to him than she is with me. I'm not even sure I've made the correct decision in bringing her here...



"What is it?" I asked.

She whined.

"Do you want to go back to Hoseok? Aren't you happy with me?" I asked.

She seemed confused at this point. Like she was torn in two, not knowing if she wanted to be with me or with him...she's getting older and maybe I should do what makes her happy. But after what happened the last time we saw each other was just insane...he had a 'roommate' and it was a woman. I didn't know about anything obviously but I saw her wearing one of his shirts...

I sighed.

I didn't mean to make a scene but what he said to me...

That's what bothered me the most.


"Hoseok! What the hell is the meaning of this?! Myoko is outside in the hot sun and you're in here fooling around with this...this!"

"This? This what?! I barely took Myoko out just now and what gives you the right to barge in here and start a commotion?!" He exclaimed

"Look I could careless what you do! But don't treat Myoko like that! She hasn't just been put outside! Don't lie! She's tied up!" I yelled.

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