Lost Dog

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As the days went by Mona got bigger. She was a little under my knees, since she's a collie I'm more than sure she's staying like this maybe she'll grow just a little more. Mona's beautiful as ever, I bathed her and brushed her daily to maintain her fur looking nice and shiny. I took her on walks during the night and I was slowly gathering wood from this construction sight to start building my tree house, I wasn't too worried about leaving Mona, she's such a good dog. Really smart too. The first time I left her alone she stayed put and didn't cry, I was getting used to my boss. I'm thinking of talking to her but I'm unsure, she'll accuse me of lying and then will demand I tell her why I claimed to be a mute. Although, she's really nice, maybe I should trust her. Hmm.

"Arf! Arf!"

"What's wrong Mona?" I asked.

She kept barking.

I looked around. "Silly girl it's just a butterfly" I patted her head.

She wagged her tail and went to drink some water from a puddle. It was still day time, I was beginning to get bored. I saw the kids coming from school as Mona and I walked in the park. Mona loved showing off in front of them and did tricks like walking on two legs, rolling over, playing dead, spinning around and chasing her tail. She loved attention.

"You have a really cool dog." A boy smiled at me.

I smiled back and said thank you in sign language.

"Oh...I'm sorry. You're mute." He apologized.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Well, um I'll be going now. Later" he patted Mona's head and walked away.

A boy talked to me! I smiled. A boy talked to me! Ugh, but I couldn't talk back. I was too afraid too. Mona ran across the field and chased her tail. I smiled. This was nice, just strolling around with Mona. Life was good but I wanted a friend to share my thoughts with. Someone who could talk back to me, someone I could trust. But it seemed like none of the people I knew so far made me feel comfortable enough. I believe in 'the feeling' when you just know...it's hard to explain but when I meet that person I want to feel like I'm important to them and that they cherish my friendship. After all being in an orphanage my whole life isn't exactly fabulous. I wanted someone to know my story, Mona knew it but she couldn't talk back to me. We just played together and of course I'd show her love and affection just as she did.

"Arf! Arf!"


She ran towards me and jumped on me. I fell back onto the grass, she licked me.

I laughed. "Quit! Haha"

She licked my face some more then got off me to lay on her back. She rolled on the grass.

"Silly girl, come on let's walk under the bridge then we'll head home" I rubbed her tummy.

I loved walking there, the stars looked amazing! I mean we walked under the bridge but once we got through there was a wide space, a river ran through there was well and you could just sit on the grass. It was like a hill almost and it was quiet. A perfect spot to soak up the night time beauty! Mona liked it there too she chased the fire flies and liked to sit by me.

We walked to the bridge and walked under it. It's beginning to get dark, the sun is almost gone. There's still a bit of light though, We made it to the other side, Mona ran out and began barking at the fireflies. She ran back towards me and ran circles around me.

"Heh. What're you doing? Silly dog"

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Da Vinci would've painted you along side the real Mona Lisa you know that?" I smiled.

She barked happily and walked beside me.

I picked up a stick and threw it. She loved playing fetch. I looked around and spotted someone across the river. It was a boy, he was listening to music it seemed, he was bobbing his head and mouthing the words. We wore a snap back, black jeans, white shoes, a plaid sweater around his waist and a white long sleeve shirt. He didn't even notice me, he's probably too indulged with the music. Oh well, it's not like he'd talk to me, he's way over there. I kept walking and noticed Mona wasn't around. I whistled out to her and nothing. My heart began to race.

"M-Mona?! Mona! Mona where are you?!" I called out. "Mona!"

I looked around and nothing. Oh no! I began to panic and run to see if she was up ahead, she can't be gone. She's never done this before!

"Mooooonnnnnaaaaa!" I called out and whistled. "Mona! Come here!"

No barks. There's no sign of her anywhere. Maybe she's back at the tent, she probably got tired of being here and left. I'm worried. I had a bad feeling someone had taken her. If that's the case I'll never see her again! My heart dropped and I began to feel upset.

"Mona!" I called out once more. I stayed quiet for a bit to listen but nothing. My only hope is to check the tent.

I ran home as fast as I could. When I got there, it was empty. She's not here...Mona, where'd you go? I felt heart broken. My only companion is gone, she's lost somewhere. I have to find her but I can't possibly find her in the dark. I'll go first thing in the morning! Mona will hopefully appear, I'm sure she'll come back. If she doesn't...I don't know what I'll do.

>>>>>>>>>>To Be Continued.......

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