Boy In The Park

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I searched for Mona everywhere but there was no sign of her. I was beginning to think someone took her home, it's been over 2 months since I last saw her. I couldn't talk to anyone nor could I put fliers up. Too expensive. I sighed. Mona,where are you? I miss you. I already built our place, high up in a tree where no one can disturb us, there's food, light and even a bathroom...well sort of. But it wasn't home with out her, I felt so empty. I decided to take a stroll at her favorite park. She loved it there, running around and showing off. I sighed. I got down from the tree and went for a jog. My boss gave me an MP3 player she filled with lots of music as a gift for my hard work. It was solar powered so all I had to do was put it on this pad when the sun was out and it charged that way. I think it's pretty neat. I also downloaded music at the library when I had time. I really enjoyed 'sweater weather' by The Neighbourhood.

I ran around 4 times before taking a break. I drank some water and stretched out. I sat by the fountain. I took a deep breath, wherever she is...I just hope she has a loving home. That whoever she's with loves her unconditionally like I did.

"Arf! Arf!"

I looked around. That bark.

"Yoko! Wait!"

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

I stood up and looked around, could it be?

I whistled how I used to when she was far from me. I saw a shadow on the horizon.

"Mona!" I smiled widely and whistled.

She ran faster and jumped on me.

"Oh my gosh! It's you! You don't know how much I've missed you! Where'd you go huh?" I hugged her as she licked my face. "Oh, I missed you...I'm so happy you're here now."

I heard someone panting. "Yoko! Wait!"

Yoko? What a stupid name.

She wagged her tail.

Hmm, I'm guessing he's the one who found Mona. He caught up to her.

"Yoko, don't do that. I'm sorry about her" he looked at me.

"Her name's Mona. She's my dog." I said.

"Her name's Yoko and she's MINE" he said.

"No she's not! Yoko is such a stupid name!" I exclaimed.

"So is Mona! Yoko is a way better name!" He yelled back.

"More like a stupid name! She's MY dog!" I said.

"Your dog?! I don't think so! I found her, she's been with me for 2 months now." He said.

"I've been looking for her for 2 months. She's my dog." I said.

"Prove it. Where'd you lose her? And let's see if she responds to you" he looked at me.

"Fine, I will. I lost her near the bridge, we were walking then-"

"Wait you walk under the bridge?" He asked.

"Yeah, I like how the stars look at night there. But anyway, we were walking and I was playing fetch with her but she never came back. She just ran away and I kept calling out for her but nothing so I thought she had ran back home but she wasn't there. It was a Friday night around 7 p.m." I said.

"Well let's see if she knows you then" he said.

"Mona, spin for me."

She did as I said.

"Now speak." I said.

"Arf Arf!"

"Okay, now let's go for a walk." I smiled.

She got on her hind legs and walked towards me.

His eyes widened.

"See? She's mine." I said.

"But still, I've taken great care of her and I never saw any lost dog fliers or any of that stuff." He said.

"She's mine. Don't you understand? I know you found her but she was lost." I sighed. "I'm sorry but I taking her home" I said.

He sighed.

I looked at Mona. She seemed to really like him, she sat next to him and he pet her.

"Um, well, why don't we walk for a little bit. I'd like to hear all about how you found her and stuff" I said.

He smiled. "Yeah. Sounds good"

We walked around the park some more and talked. He's a really good guy, cute too, he told me all about the things he and 'Yoko' had been through. He took such good care of her, she was in great shape and she seemed so uplifted. Maybe she should stay with him.

"It's getting late...I should get going." I said.

" I guess this is good bye girl" he got on his knees and hugged Mona.

"I was thinking...Maybe she should stay with you. You took such great care of her and she's probably used to you now, she has a home with you and lots of love. Probably things I could never give her...Take her" I said.

He looked at me. "But, what about you? She's obviously missed you."

I sighed. "I wish I could tell you my situation but I can't. Please take care of her okay?"

"Wait. What's your name?" He asked.

"My name? It's Raine." I said.

"Raine..." He smiled. "It's a really pretty name"

"Oh.." I'm flattered by his compliment, I always thought Raine was an ugly name. "Thank you"

"Why don't we make a deal? Every afternoon, we'll come here and we'll both spend time with her. You can take her home Monday, Wednesday, Friday and we'll take turns with the Saturdays. I'll have her Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. But so she sees both of us we'll walk here for about an hour, what do you say?" He asked.

"You'd really do that for me?" I smiled.

"Yeah, after all you are her original owner. But what about her name? I like Yoko" he said.

"It's Mona." I looked at him.

"Yoko is cuter" he said.

"Why don't we just combine the name? Then it'll be 50/50" I suggested.

"Moko? Yona?" He began combining.

"What about Myoko?" I asked.

"Myoko. I like it" he smiled.

"Alright well, I'll see you here tomorrow then" I smiled back.

"Take Myoko tonight. I'm sure you have lots to catch up on" he said as he handed me her leash.

"Thank you. You don't know how much she means to me, thank you for being so kind" I looked at him and spoke sincerely.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh. Don't mention it. Umm so same time?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'll be here"

"Okay, well later. Be good Myoko." He pet her.

"Arf!" She wagged her tail.

"Bye Raine" he smiled at me.

"Uh, Bye" I smiled shyly.

He walked away.

Myoko whined as he slowly disappeared into the night but she was content that she was with me again. We walked home then it hit me. I talked I actually talked to someone, I didn't even full realize it but I did. How can this be? I've never talked to anyone, not at all! Well, just to Mona...I mean 'Myoko' but never to an actual person. I'm always cautious about not talking but he...He must've done something. Maybe he, ummm, oh I don't know. But I talked to him, I talked to a boy. Another human heard my voice for the first time, but I need to be more careful someone might recognize me, like my boss and if they see me speak they'll think I'm using them or playing them for fools. Maybe I should just act like I'm mute again? But how when he already heard me talk? I sighed. This is gonna tough, either I tell him or I just don't show up to the park.

>>>>>>>>>>>>To be continued.........

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