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Being an orphan is not the way you want to live. Orphans are considered second class. Some people thought orphans were "no good." It was lonely, painful, fearful. I worried about starvation. And people take advantage of orphans. Just because we no one to refuge in, there's no trust, no safe didn't matter whether you were 3 years old or 16 years old, we were all treated like animals. I've been planning my escape from this hell hole since I turned 9. There was little food, we were so many. Only girls though. I was the quietest of them all. They think I'm mute, I simply nod for yes and shake my head for no. Ive been this way ever since I can remember. All I had was my stuffed animal, it was a light purple bunny they had given me on my 9th birthday, I have always wanted a puppy, they didn't allow animals in this place. The bunny was all I had, although I find no use for it since it was given to me 7 years ago. I'm now 16 and finally I knew how I'd get out of here, I'll escape when everyone is in the dining hall. No one guards the door at that time, I'll throw my gym bag out the window then I'll check the front doors if someone is there then I'll go through the back, I'm escaping tonight without any hesitations. I took a deep breath and stuffed my bag with the little clothes I had. I had a duffle bag that had food inside, not anything major. Cookies, juice boxes, chips a couple of canned Vienna's enough to live off of for at least the first 2 maybe 3 weeks. After that I guess I'll have to find a job or beats being in here though. I hated it!

"Raine. Are you in here?"

I hid under the bed. It's him.

"Raine~ Come out come out where ever you are~"

My heart raced. I don't trust this man, whenever a girl is of age he takes advantage of them as a 'goodbye present'. 9 girls have fallen victim to him, the head mistress doesn't even do anything. I know she knows what he's doing to us...What did we do to deserve such treatment?

"Raine? Are you in here?"

My breathing became unsteady and I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

"Raine! Come here! You damn mute! I know you can hear me!"

He walked further into the room. I could hear his footsteps, click clack click clack, against the wooden floor. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't whimper and I prayed he wouldn't find me.

"Mr. Tosh, the head mistress wishes to discuss an important matter with you."

Oh thank goodness.

"I was looking for Raine. I wanted to see how she was doing, I haven't seen her in a while."

"Raine? She's almost of age, I'm sure the head mistress got rid of her. Besides, there are plenty of girls here to satisfy your hunger Mr.Tosh. Who the hell cares about the mute? She's not gonna last a day out on her own"

"Raine was beyond beautiful, it's a shame I never got to taste how sweet she was. I bet bitter sweet like honey."

Dirty, filthy scum! How can he talk about me in such a manor?!

"She's gone now. Good riddens, a mute isn't much fun anyway. She can't say your name nor can she tell you whether it feels good or if it's too rough. Why would you want her anyway? You have me and the head mistress or are we not enough?"

"Oh trust me not even Raine couldn't satisfy me the way you do" he chuckled and slapped her bottom.

This place is sickening. I need to make my move and make it quick! They walked out of the room, teasing each other, it made me sick to my stomach. I won't be at ease until I get out of here. I got out from under the bed and double checked once more if I had everything I'd need. The bell rang for dinner time, yes! This is it! I looked outside the window and the coast was clear. I dropped my bags into the dumpster one by one then I quickly crept through the halls. Trying to avoid being seen by any of the other girls, they'd tell on me right away and I'd be in serious trouble. I tip toed as fast as I possibly could until I made my way to the front door.

"We should go eat as well, I heard today these brats are having burgers and fries."

Man that sounds delicious, I haven't had a burger in such a long time. It's pretty tempting. I hid behind a statue as the two women walked to the dinning hall. I kept quiet until they were completely out of sight. I checked to see of the coast was clear then made it to the door but it's locked! Oh no! I began to panic. Keep it together...the back door is my only hope now.

"Raine~ is that you?"

My eyes widened and my legs began to shake. I hid on the side.


Please someone save me! He probably sees me! If he catches me I'm done for!

"Oh Toshie~"

The head mistress. Phew. I'm not out of the forest yet though.

"Yes my mistress?" He said.

Dirty old bastard!

"I need you for a very important meeting."

"Oh is that so? Well then lucky for you I'm available ALL night"

She giggled.

I peeked and saw that they were walking away. I took a deep breath.

Once again I crept through the hallways and was aware of everything, even the tiniest noise. I made it into the laundry room and checked the back door which was a little past that. Yes! It's unlocked! I opened the door and it made a loud creaking sound. I quickly squeezed by and I was out. I did it! The alley was extremely dark, I should've brought a flashlight but it's too late for that now. I carefully guided myself with my back against the wall. I found the dumpster and looked for my bag, gotcha! I reached for a glow stick in my gym back and used it. I ran as fast as I could out of the alley without looking back. I ran through the city. People stared and pointed but I kept on running, all I looked out for were the cops. If they saw me they'd take me back for sure. I had no clue where I was going to I needed to figure that out ASAP. I managed to get out of the city and came across a forest. I heard a nearby river, it'll have to do for now. I'll look for a cave in the morning. I started a fire and set up camp for the night. Wonder what'll happen now...I managed to escape that horrible place but I don't know anyone. I'll need to plan everything carefully so I don't get caught, if I do I'll be sent back and I'll be punished in an unimaginable way. I yawned and decided it was time for some sleep, I'll figure things out in the morning. I put out the fire and lay on the ground, I should've bought more than 3 blankets. It's so hard and cold. Guess, I'll just have to make the best of it. At least tonight I won't have to worry about anyone sneaking in to touch me or try to hurt me. I'll sleep in peace. I slowly closed my eyes and waited for tomorrow.


The Only Exception (J-HOPE) + Sequel (Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now