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FOR ELIN, THE GIRL WHO TOLD ME I WAS AMAZING, EVEN WHEN SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE IT. HERSELF</3................................................Chapter 1. (AUTHORS NOTES WILL BE IN CAPS BTW, SORRY THIS FIRST CHAPTER IS A BIT RAMBLE-Y ITS JUST SO YOU GET TO KNOW THE BACK STORY, I WILL UPDATE AS MUCH AS I CAN, THIS IS MY FIRST ANYTHING ON WATTPAD SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY ^.^) /ooh and stuff in slashes- like this sentence means empathising. I couldn't find italics. Don't kill me/

Dan sighed. Life was hard. Every single thing in life was hard, according to Dan. If he didn't have Phil, then he really didn't know where he'd be now. He didn't want to know. He laughed, joked and smiled with Phil, everything he was planning to say, everything that had been spinning around his mind that night, melted on his tongue as soon as he saw the elders startling bright blue eyes. Phil was his best friend, since what Dan thought of as forever, and he cherished every moment with Phil, because everything was fun, carefree and most importantly, Happy. Dan suffered from depression, and had self-harmed for many years. As long as he could remember. No one had noticed as his whole wardrobe was made up of long sleeve shirts and jumpers. No on ever questioned this due to The UKs' terrible weather. Sometimes Dan wished Someone would see, hear his calls for help, but no one ever did. Until Phil. He had hit it off with him immediately and soon became close friends. During P.E one session, they were talking about the latest episode of Doctor Who and as Dan consciously but quickly slipped off his shirt, Phil caught sight of the Scarlett train wreck that was Dans arm. Dan panicked. He didn't want Phil to think he was a freak, or worse, tell somebody. Now that someone had answered his pleas, he soon wished they hadn't. Phil had looked concerned more than anything though, and made Dan get help from professionals. They tried to just talk to a school counsellor, but she soon informed Dans parents. They had been shocked, their eyes wide with concern, taking him to numerous hospital appointments that would help. At first he was optimistic that things would change but he found it hard to answer the questions. Why did he cut? He had no idea how it started either. Things were okay at home and school, but things seemed so bad in his head. He loved the sight of blood, craved it. It made him feel fulfilled, he thought of it as his pain, seeping away. He couldn't explain this though, without them shoving him into a mental institute and throwing away the key. So he just lied through all the questions, saying he didn't know. They diagnosed it as no obvious problems, probably just a faze. This seemed to comfort his parents, so Dan nodded, his eyes pleading though. Once again, his cries ignored. (HAVEN'T PROOFREAD OR ANYTHING DUE TO ME ONLY WRITING WHEN IN BED AND IM DYING OF TIREDNESS-SORRY GUYS IF ANYTHING IS WRONG)

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