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Dan was shaking, he knew he couldn't allow himself To think like this. /why not?/ he wandered to himself /Phil/ suddenly his mind replied, but then stopped. This only fuelled his idea. He crept into the hallway, his heart racing, even though he could hear Phils gentle breathing, he was anxious about waking Phil. He reached the living room where the two strangers that had started this whole thing had been only a few hours earlier, he urged this to make him angry, wanting to work up the courage. He slipped quickly into the kitchen, before his anger could subside and grabbed a knife. He slipped back into his room, hands shaking, and quickly ran the knife down his arms. He shivered. Before repeating. He missed this so much, the adrenaline pumping in his blood, the same blood he could see seeping out from the light of his alarm clock. He smiled, feeling fulfilled. He put the knife in the bottom drawer of his bedside cabinet, underneath a pile of boxers. He knew Phil wouldn't touch that drawer. Next morning Phil apologised and offered to make Dan pancakes. "Fine" said Dan with a smile "but don't forget the chocolate sauce" Phil tried to level with Dan " I thought you were getting fit!, okay, but you have to have a banana as well" Dan pulled a face, but agreed. Phil reached into the drawer to find a knife to cut the banana with "hmm.." He muttered "I guess it's in the dishwasher" Dans heart flipped "oh yeah, I remember putting it in there" he added quickly. They ate their pancakes happily and were soon back to normal. "You're not really going to Starbucks with them are you?" Asked Dan pulling a face. Phil tensed up "yeah" he tried to say it breezily, but Dan heard it in a harsh tone. He turned his head away. "Dan..." Phil pleaded. "It's fine" said Dan, forcing a smile, before saying he was full up and heading straight for his room, a clear idea of what he was going to do next...


((HOW DO CRAZY PEOPLE GET OUT OF THE FOREST? They take the phsycho path -if I spelt that wrong don't kill me :3))

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