4 years later (22)

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Cas began his way out of the store when he bumped Into someone." sorry " Cas said and look at them. Cas's eyes widened, seeing Dean for the first time in 4 year." it's okay." he smiled. Cas's eyes began to water." are you okay?" He asked." I've got to go " Cas ran to his car and drove off." wait up" he yelled but Cas continued to to drive.Cas walked into his apartment, turned on the light but half way to his kitchen he broke down. He put the bags on the counter and put them away. Then he heard heavy breathing coming from down the hall." what's the matter?" Dean asked as he stood in the door way" just please go away Dean. please" Cas choked and sat down on the couch." how do you kn- Cas?" Dean questioned. Cas began to cry more." Just go" Cas said."  why, aren't you glad to see me ?" Dean asked. " NO BECAUSE I CAME BACK AND YOU ALL WEREN'T THERE. I KEPT MY PROMISE BUT YOU BROKE YOURS." Cas snapped. Dean sat on the floor. Cas" Dean said." get out Dean Winchester." Cas stood up and put the bags in the kitchen. " why do you want me to?" Dean said sternly." Dean I broke. I came there and I needed to see you and I wanted to hear you play the piano. I wanted to she Charlie and jo be together because I know it was going to happen one day. I wanted to walk inside the house and see Sam and Gabe making out on the couch. then when I call it out  they would stop and Gabe would pull out a sucker from somewhere. I wanted to hug my mom one more time." Cas went to tears." but I couldn't because when I went there it was the opposite of what I wanted. I had to go to college to get you off my mind. I had to make new friends. I now have a friend  in my life who makes me laugh and stopped thinking about it.then you come, so Get OUT." Cas pointed to the door. Dean walked towards the door." you know what Cas. if would have never left  before it wouldn't have been hell for Charlie Gabe and Michael. next time you see them or hear from them ask what happen to your mom." Dean walked out and slammed the door.

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