Real Life and Wishes

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"Aroura Black," A voice calls, snapping me back into reality. My real last name wasn't Black, but Sirius always took care of me, before he went to Azkaban, that is. After that, another family took me in, the Longbottom family. Or at least the grandmum did. They let me keep Black as my last name, since they found me left alone when I was a baby in the Black's House. My eyes grow more focused and I realize Neville was the one talking to me.

"Get up!" He calls, "Today we start our 6th year at Hogwarts! We don't want to be late!" He rips off the covers, I shiver. I wasn't much of a morning person.

"Whatever!" I threw my pillow at him, "You're just lucky I don't kill you for waking me up so early!" I yelled back at him. His hair was still a bit messy, I realized. It looked like he had woken up recently, too. He was cute, he always was. Recently, I was starting to see him as more than like a brother figure. How else could I explain the butterflies in my stomach I felt whenever he was around? Or my uncontrolled blush?

I was helpless. I reluctantly got up, still feeling a little drowsy and got ready. After breakfast, we made our way to the Hogwarts Express. What would it take for Neville to see me as more? Sighing, I walked into the compartment, sitting across from Neville, my head buried in thought. This year will be the year everything changed between Neville and I.

* Later on in the year *

"Professor, can I please switch partners? I mean...You know what happened last time Draco and I were paired up together, right?" I pleaded with Professor McGonagall. She looked up at me, sighing as she smiled wearily. She reminded me of more of a grandmum than a professor. She was certainly even friendlier than "my" grandmum. Or my grandmum-like figure, since I honestly had no idea who my real grandmum was.

"I suppose so, Aroura," she replied. "Who was it you wanted to be with then?" She glanced about the room at the other people who were happy with their partners. She glanced back at me again with curiosity.

"Neville Longbottom," I say, glancing around until I spotted him. He was paired up with Crabbe. I couldn't leave him alone like that with him. Besides, I owed him one. Neville spared a glance in my direction, winking as he saw Professor McGonagall was close to caving in totally.

"I am sure Draco would find it easier to work on this project with one of his own friends. It is the same with me. Especially when we're working with something dangerous. There is the trust factor, ma'am."

"Okay, fine, Miss Black." Professor McGonagall announces slyly. She heads over to Draco and we switch partners. Draco seemed just as happy as we were. That had to be good. Now I can actually get more done. For my real life and my love life. How else should I let Neville know about how I feel for him?

"Thank goodness," I mutter as Neville comes over to where I am standing. His eyes were shining and my heart fluttered. I looked away.

"That was bloody brilliant," Neville grins and we head over to an empty area in the room to get working. I opened the book to page 324.

"I know I am," I grinned back, winking at Neville a little, seeing him blush.

Things were just getting started.

*Evening *

"Aroura," Neville whispered, closing in the gap between us. I nodded, stepping forward myself. Neville sighed, wrapping a hand in my own. My heart was pounding faster and faster as we leaned into each other until...

"Dumbledore has fallen!" Someone announced over the chaos. Neville and I broke apart. Great, and I was thisclose to snogging him and we had to be interrupted. Wait, what did they just say?

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