Perfect Two

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"Be careful, Beth, we don't want Umbridge catching us!"Ginny calls after me. She was right, Umbridge was the last person we wanted to see. She would give us a week's worth of detention for sure or at least some heavy points taken away from Gryffindor. I slowed to a halt so Ginny could catch up with me.

"You're right...Ugh, well at least we are almost there." I replied, and we walked at a slower pace, cautious to make sure no teachers were around or Peeves for that matter. Last time we ran into him, we lost twenty points from Gryffindor. Long story.

We finally entered the room and got into pairs. Ginny went with Luna since no one else wanted to and I got paired up with Neville Longbottom. I have seen him around and he always did well from what I saw in Herbology but I had never really talked with him before.

He was pretty quiet and self conscious, which reminded me a bit like myself. He wasn't the best at spells but Harry and I helped him as much as we could. The meeting was fun andI defiantly was betterat magic than what I was before I had walked in. I couldn't wait for the next meeting to come. It was going to be brilliant.

"We will meet up here next week, same time, same place." Harry filled us in. "Today we all did brilliant and I can't wait to see how you are next week. Remember, be cautious and careful."

We started exiting in our little groups of friends. Ginny had found her way back to me. The trio all left together and the twins weren't far off behind.

"You should have seen his face, it was priceless!" Ginny was saying although I wasn't really listening. I knew Ginny wasn't going to chew me out on it either. She smiled and looked to see who I was staring at, which was Neville Longbottom.

He was walking by himself, his brown hair was slightly curled I noticed. He looked a bit lonely as well. "Hey, Neville!" Ginny called, smirking at me as Neville came over to us.

"Y-yes?" He asks, clearly not expecting this but he seemed happy none the less. Ginny and Neville had attended the Yule Ball together last year as friends. They had become friends from what I could tell but Ginny had never hung out with Neville much this year. She was always with me, the twins or the trio, which they were all my friends too anyway, so it worked out quite well.

"Want to come walk with us? I am sure Beth is wanting to know more about you." Could Ginny have been any more obvious? I made a mental note to kill her later but I still smiled shyly at Neville. He smiled shyly back and nodded yes. His eyes met mine for a fleeting second and I felt my face flush.

"Sure. That sounds good to me..." Soon we got talking. Though it was mostly Ginny doing the talking part but I found out Neville loved Herbology and plants and was planning on doing a career in that field. I told Neville about my fear of bugs and my love of guitar. Ginny smiled, glad to see she was successful.

"I just remembered, I have to talk with Professor McGonagall about my Transfiguration project. See you two later in the common room then. Bye! " Ginny says, making a dash in the opposite direction before either of us could do anything or say anything about it. Ginny was really going to get it now. What was I going to say to him?

"So...We should probably head to the common room now..." I say, which was obvious but Neville didn't laugh or anything at me. He nodded in agreement and I realized he was just as shy as I was. Especially without Ginny here helping us out. The quiet was nice though, it wasn't an awkward silence or anything.

The common room was busy and bustling as per usual. The twins were selling their products to some of the younger and gullible students. The trio was talking quietly in the corner about the D.A. Meeting and everyone else was scattered about doing their own daily business. We did talk a bit more before Ginny got back but it was mostly small talk. Like how our day was and how much we liked the D.A. Meeting. We agreed to partner up in the next meeting as well.

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