I'll Fight For You

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I watched as my hometown, Plymouth, Ohio, grew to a blur in the distance. I was going to miss home, and everything about it. My family, friends, and even our football team (even though our football team sucks) Everyone knew everyone so there was no secrets, and no real clique. My friends, Sandra and Michelle, promised to write. I hope they remember, too. I already missed them and I just left.

On the other hand, I was excited to be attending Hogwarts. I heard that it is the best wizardry school around. Plus being a witch sounded fun. My parents were shocked to find out that I was a witch. They had no magical blood in them. At first, when they found out that their only daughter was a witch, they weren't too thrilled. They got used to it though.

The car came to a halt, "Shyanne, we are here." Mom says, "Love you." She says as I climb out.


"Hellllo?" Luna says, breaking my thoughts, "Earth to Shyanne Tompson."

"Sorry, thinking about the quidditch match yesterday." I fibbed.

Luna smiles, "That was amazing! You are a awesome seeker! That game was just beautiful. Slytherin losing 50 to 120 points is great. You Gryffindor's actually have a chance at winning this year because of you."

I smile back, "Thanks."

Suddenly, Bethany, Luna's other friend came in. "I'll see ya later, Shyanne." Luna says as she heads off with Bethany.

A little bit after they left , I decided to roam the halls. Maybe I could find another secret passage.

I heard a voice say, "Look there's that mud-blood Shyanne." Draco. Crap. I turned around and faced him.

"Say that again, " I threatened, hatred in my voice. "Come on Malfoy, unless you're scared." I taunted.

Malfoy smirks. Jerk, he's enjoying this. I hate him! Hate hate hate him! "Mud-blood." he repeated. I wanted to punch him just then and there. Ugh.

"Rather be a mud-blood than a full blooded jerk." I said jerk even though I had another word in mind. Draco annoyed the hell outta me.

"Come on Shyanne don't be like that." He says still smirking.

I rolled my eyes, "Like what?"

"Shy. Shyanne the Shy. you know you like me."

Okay that was it. I punched Draco as hard as I could. He stumbled back a few steps. Dumbstruck. And he cursed me under his breath.

"Woah." A new voice says. And Ron Weasley comes and walks beside me

Draco gets up and glares at us, mostly me. Then Draco curses at me again.

Ron steps up unexpectedly and says, "Don't call Shyanne that. She's a great girl."

Draco smirks, "Is poor Weasley gonna defend his girlfriend. How cute." Ron's face goes pink. Wait...Ron likes me back? I blush glad neither Draco nor Ron was looking at me. Instead they were glaring at each other.

Ron suddenly hits Draco in the face. This time, Draco falls to the ground. Wow, Ron is strong."Shyanne," Ron says turning to me, "Are you okay."

I nod, unable to speak.

Draco gets up and leaves, but not without saying, "I'll get you later Weasley, you and your girlfriend will pay."

I ignore him and without thinking, I kiss Ron. At first he flinched, but then realized what I was doing and kisses back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Ron asks once we pull away. Instead of saying yes I kiss him again.

This is an older one-shot but I thought I would post it anyways. xD

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