"i came back before morning"

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~Ed's pov

I woke up with a bad feeling. I dont know how to explain it. It was like I knew something was wrong. But when I sat up in bed the house seemed very calm.

I saw Winry next to me sleeping peacefully. Her beautiful blonde hair gleaming in the moonlight from the window. I smiled at her. I was so happy that I had told her that I loved her.

I got up in my pajamas. Which were just pants and a top.

I tried to quietly open the door. It creaked a little. I winced at the loud noise. I looked over to Winry to see if I had woken her up. But she still was sleeping. I smiled and closed the door.

I walked down the hallway. Al's door was open. Envy was meant to be sleeping in there wasn't he?

I walked past the wide open door. Something caught my eye.
I stopped. Envy was sitting on the window seal.

" Fury rubbed of on you huh?" I asked as I leant on the doorway.

Envy jumped a little then looked over at me.
" Oh hi pips- Edward" he said.

" Couldnt sleep?" I asked.

" Nah. I hardly sleep these days." he eyed me. " you can come in if you want".

I nodded and stepped in a little.
" You know we're she went?" I asked about Fury.

Envy shook his wad making his palm tree hair shake.
" No. I never do. She never told me when we were on earth but she always use to sneak out at midnight. The only difference right now is she told us." He chuckled a little.
" I'm starting to think she is a ware wolf ". He said joking around. His smile faded as he looked out the window.
" I have a bad feeling" he admitted.

I nodded agreeing.
" Yeah, I though I was the only one".

~Third person

Fury looked to the floor with Havoc as they thought that their friend was dead.

She herd him cough.

" Huh? We're am I?" he asked as he got up.

" Roy!" Screamed Riza as she hugged him.

He hugged her back.
" I'm okay now".

He looked up to Fury as he hugged Riza.

" I owe you one Fury" he said.

Fury shook her head.
" Don't thank me-" she stopped.
She herd people surrounding the building. Drachmans.
" Hey ,get- come here now!" she whispered harshly.

They all looked at her with puzzled faces.
" There surrounding the building.we don't have any weapons!" she whispered again.

They all came over to her.

Mustang herd the loading of machine guns.
" What do we do now?" he asked.

Fury though for a moment. But her thoughts were interrupted when the door was kicked down.

The machine guns fired rapidly.

Fury narrowed her eyes.
The military personnel braced themselves for the pain as they were defenseless.

Fury just stood there smiling.
She was god nothing could hurt her.

A invisible shield surrounded the group.

Roy and the others soon realized that they weren't getting hurt.

They opened their eyes to see Fury's arms outstretched stopping the bullets.

They firing stopped.

A big buff man came through the doorway.
He had a big bushy black beard and long dark hair like every other Drachman. He came in reptile skin.

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