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~Ed's point of view

We had slept at a hotel at the next twin after Resembol. But the problem was everyone else was sleeping but I couldn't get to sleep. It seemed impossible.

I herd the door open.

I looked over to see Fury coming in.
" What are you doing here?" I asked.

Fury crept over.
"I thought of something" she whispered to me.
" You can't sleep you're a humonculus" she said.

I nodded then laid down looking at the ceiling. One hand behind my head.
" Yeah" i said.

" You could pretend to sleep" Suggested Fury.

I looked into her blood red eyes.
" How?" I asked.

" Get comfortable" she said.

I did as I was told laying on my back.

"Now I want you to close your eyes" she said.

I did.

I felt and her sit on the bed.

" Now this may tingle a little" She whispered.

Then she laid her hand on my forehead. Then I had the feeling of falling. I was drifting of to sleep. I smiled at her.
" Thank.. You" I said as I went to sleep.


When I woke sunlight was bursting thought the window.
I winced at it. Then threw the covers over my head.

I herd Winry get up.
"What time is it?" she asked.

" Can you draw the curtains?" I asked.

She stopped stretching.
"Why?" she asked.

" Just please I'll explain later" I said.

Then I herd her get up and metal scraping. The room became darker.

I smiled at the reduced light.
Then took the covers off from over my eyes.
" Thanks" I said as she came over.

She sat on the bed.
"Why did you want me to close the curtains?" she asked.

I fiddled with the sheet as I sat crossleged.
" I don't like light anymore" I admitted.

" Why?" she asked curious.

I sighed.
" Because Pride doesn't." I said. It was hard for me to say. It caused me pain to do so. Because that would mean I like what's happening. I don't hate it. It's just that I never asked for it.

" It's okay Edward" Winry said she looked me in the eyes.

I sighed again and looked up at her. Her beautiful blonde hair.her blue eyes.


" Thank you" I whispered.

" For what?" she asked.

"For not hating me for what I have become" I said.

Winry shuffled closer.
"It doesn't matter what you are. As long as you're with me. As long as you're my Edward" she said leaning closer.

I smiled at her.She smiled back.
Our eyes saw each other. Winry placed a hand on my face.

" It's going to be okay" she said.

I smiled at her a little.
Then we both leant in closer. Our foreheads touched.
" I love you" I said.

" I love you to" said Winry.

I put my hand on the back of her head.

Then we kissed.

~Fury's point of view

I sat on my bed waiting for Envy to wake up. I was in a separate room then Al and the others. The rooms here only held two people. So Edward and Winry were together. Envy and Me where together. But Al was all alone.

He started to stir.
Then he opened his purple eyes.

" Good morning Envy" I said.

I moved his head to look at me. Smiling.
"Morning" he said while stretching.

I got up and walked over to him. I sat down on his bed.
" How did you sleep?" I asked him.

He smiled while he pulled me closer. " Like a baby" he smiled at me." How did you sleep?" he asked.

I chuckled a little.
" You know I don't sleep Envy" I said while I sat on his lap.

He smiled at me.
" And I will forever find that creepy. I dont know what you are doing while I'm asleep. You could be watching me sleep" he said.

"What if it am?" I asked.

" Well then you can enjoy the sight can't you?" he said while he nuzzled my shouler. He wrapped his hands around me."You know I could have never imagined that we would ever be together" he said.

" Nether could i" I admitted.

" Do you know what I think?" he asked while he tranced my oraborus tattoos that where now grey.

" What?" I asked.

" I think that we make a perfect couple" he said.

" Yes, well I agree, Chase" I said.

Envy smiled at me.
"Okay, Dakota" he said.

Then he turned me towards him.
" You're really heavy" he said.

" Oh what a nice thing do say to your girlfriend" I said. Our faces got closer.

" I'm just full of niceness" said Envy looking into my eyes.

" Bull shit" I said.

" Damn right" Envy said.

Then he kissed me.

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