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~Ed's pov

We were heading to Dublith. To tell and collect teacher. But I doubt she would want to see me. Or even go with us. I don't know how she will react

The train raced forward as the wheels sped up. I looked out the window. The sun was in the middle is the sky. It was mid day.

I had gotten a long sleeved black top. With black pants that covered my body. I still wore my red alchemists jacket and my high tops.

Winry and Envy were sleeping.
It was jut me and Fury alone to talk. Al was sleeping too.

I hadn't gotten my tattoos that every humonculus got yet. Fury doubted i would get any.

" So have you grown them yet?" Fury asked.

" No. I haven't gotten any markings yet. I'm not even sure i want any" I said.

Fury nodded.
" Okay. I will not be surprised of you never get them. I only got mine when I made my first kill" said.

I gulped.

" Hey" said Envy sleepily sitting next to Fury.
" I only got mine ten days later. But people like lust she got hers when she killed her first person" said Envy.
" Every humonculus get them differently" he said.

Fury frowned her brows.
"So you didn't get your tattoo when you killed your first human?" she asked.

Envy looked to the floor.
" I have never actually killed anyone with my bare hands. Or even with a weapon. It was always done for me" he said.

" Oh" said Fury.

" Will I want to kill?" I asked.

Fury looked up at me startled by my question.
" Um. I don't know. It's possible. All I'm saying is these things arnt certain. You might you might not. But if you every get the feeling kill me. I'll just reheal. Where as a human will not. I just hope your not like the last Pride. He lashed out on the person closet to him. He killed them. I hope that doesn't happen to you" she said looking at the sleeping Winry next to me.

I looked at her.
Will I want to kill her?

The train whistle blew plunking me out of my thoughts.

" We're here" said Fury as she got up.

The rest of us followed her of the train.

Once I got of she pulled me aside.

"Listen Edward. I will not let you hurt anyone." she said seriously.

" Okay" I said hesitantly.

She walked away then stopped.
" Where is your teachers house?" she asked."I don't remember".

I chuckled a little.
I walked towards the right.
"It's this way" I said waving the others on.

Winry caught up with me.
" Is your teacher nice?" she asked.

Then I clicked. Winry has never met teacher.
" Yeah sort of. In a violent way" I said.

" What! Is that even possible?" asked Winry.

I rubbed the back of my head.
"Well she'll be nice to you. But I don't doubt she'll beat the crap out of me and Al" I said.

" Ah don't worry brother! We will be fine" said Al worry clear on his face.

I looked to the stone pavement.
" I wonder how she will react" I said sadly.

Al put a gentle hand on my shoulder.
" We're about to find out".

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