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~Al's point of veiw

I awoke when sunlight hit my face. I squinted at the wonderful sign of day. I felt in a really good mood.

I sat up in bed. I saw brother laying on the his bed across the room.

"Morning brother" I said stretching.
" It's a wonderful day isn't it?" I asked as I looked out the window.

When he didn't respond I began to worry.
"Brother? Are you awake?".

What a stupid question! Humonculi don't sleep!

I walked over to him. He was laid down on his back. My eyes widened as I saw him. Red tattoos hugged his body. They broke off like branches. I stepped back and put a hand over my mouth.They seemed to get more frequent when they reached his right arm. He was sweating, more than anyone should.His face was damp. As was the rest of his body.

Then I saw it. The oraborus tattoo. On his right arm. On the upper side. Near his shoulder. I took Ed by the shoulders. I shook him. He was limp.

This didn't add up. Even when Brother was human he was always a light sleeper. He would have woken up when I said 'morning'.

" Brother!" I shouted trying to get him up.

I couldn't get him up.

I thought of the one person that would know what to do. The one who knew the most about being a humonculus.

" Fury!" I called out as I ran down the hall. I stopped at the girls room.

I banged on the door.
" Fury! Fury! I need your help! Its Brother! Something is wrong with brother!" I called out.

She opened the door.
" What the hell do you want Alphonse?" she asked.
She stopped when she saw the worried look on my face.
" What wrong?" she asked.

"It's brother! He will not wake up! He's sweating and he got his tattoos" I whimpered.

Fury's eyes widened.
She shot out of the room.
"ENVY!!!" she boomed through the house.
" I NEED YOU!!! SOMETHING IS WORNG WITH EDWARD!!!" she yelled again.

She started to jog down the hall to Edwards room.
Envy met us at the door. I think he slept on the couch.

Fury ran into the room, Envy and I following her.

" What happened?" she asked.

" I'm not sure. Last night he seemed fine. But when I woke up he was like this" I said.

Fury nodded and laid down next to the bed.
"He's too hot. Humonculi can't take heat" she said.

" Al get me some ice and damp towels!" she ordered.

I ran off to get them.

~Fury's point of view

"Al get me some ice and damp towels!" I ordered Alphonse.

I he nodded and ran out the room.

I leant over Edward.

" He has his tattoos" said Envy.

" There just like mine" I said touching my stomach were they were.

I looked at Ed with worry.

But to my surprise he smiled while he was still out.

I turned to Envy.
" You don't think it's happening, do you?" I asked.

He looked at Ed then me then Ed then Me.
" I hate to say it but I'm positive he's turning. Soon he will become pride. He will only answer to that name. He will be Pride" Said Envy.

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