His majasty

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Amora's P.O.V

I sat silently looking on at the sixteen year old nursed her hangover. Her blue eyes blood shot and squinted in response to the golden rays that leaked into the kitchen window.

"Where's William?" She groaned rubbing her temples lazily. Her question acting as a reminder that he didn't come home last night. The last time I saw him was when he tried to get me into the palace dressed like a run away street child. Although practically I would have a lot in common with that person, I wasn't going in there dressed like that. I already knew they were going to judge me so the least I needed was for them to think I looked good enough to be in their presence.

"He's not here." I said softly hoping that I didn't cause her pain.

"Why are you so loud." She mumbled before leaving the kitchen clutching an ice pack to her forehead. Guilt instantly clouded my subconscious that along with the fact that most likely William didn't return home last night because he was angry with me for not going into the palace with him yesterday caused unwanted tears to race down my already puffy cheeks.

"Miss what's wrong?" Dora asked softly coming out of nowhere.

"I...I...hurt Rose's head because I spoke too loudly." I mumbled between ragged breaths before bursting into tears once again.

"It's okay it's not your fault she wanted to get drunk." She cooed while rubbing my back in a comforting way.

"Yeah." I said while drying my eyes with the back of my hand under the close inspection of Dora's dark brown eyes.

"Come on eat." She ordered smiling softly before walking back into the kitchen.

I sat silently eating the sandwich I made for myself after much debate retreating to my own little world of daydream.

"Miss." Dora said thoughtfully turning to me propping the wet mop she once held against the kitchen counter.

"Dora you can call me Amora." I said finally snapping out of my thoughts of nothingness.

"Amora." She said as though she was sampling my name against her Spanish tongue. "Amora do you love William?" She asked looking over at me. I temporarily forgot how to breathe much less form a proper sentence after the words left her mouth. Something about how she phrased the question told me that she already knew what the answer to it. Even though I had a strong feeling that she knew the true answer to that question I wasn't anywhere near ready to verbally confess my feelings just yet.

"Why?" I asked wanting to know her reason for asking the question in the first place.

"Well because I know you didn't sleep properly last night because he wasn't there. Also because I see the way your brown eyes twinkle when you look at him. But I want to know if you love him then I'll be able to give you the advice you need." She said moving so she now stood directly in front of my seated form the only things separating us being the marble counter. I felt no need to hide anything when obviously she knew. So I weakly nodded my head unable to find my voice at the moment.

"I like you Amora. You being the first of any of the girls William has ever brought home that I'm actually fond of. Not seeing it fit to personally get you out of the house as quickly as possible. I've known that boy since the day he was born. I was assigned to look after him and that I did for all his thirty  years on this earth. So it only made sense that he'd come to me when he found out that you were pregnant although I knew from your first day here. You my dear need to be strong not only for yourself but for your unborn child and the future heir of this country. A lot depends on what both you and William make out of the situation you've created." She said her burning gaze never leaving mine.

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