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Amora's P.O.V

This was it.
The last straw.
The one thing that made everything around me crumble leaving nothing but a pile of broken pieces below my feet. What felt like my last breath of air painfully lodged in my throat as the salty droplets left my eyes mixing into the scarlet river of destruction my lifeless body helplessly drifted in.

The river of hurt and sorrow delicately painting a gloomy picture before my glassy eyes with its needle like fingers. Every stroke even more painful than the last yet the excruciating pain was nothing compared to what laid before me. The clouded image confirming my worst fears and sadly there was no way out of this mess.

The scribbled letters had sadly meant the official end of us and I'd desperately tried to convince myself that I was okay with it. That everything would be better off this way but the pain that radiated from my broken heart acted as a constant reminder that I was not okay.

👑William's P.O.V

I sat glaring at the woman who refused to speak to me. The thick silence that surrounded us irritated me as well as the fact that she didn't even seem to be happy. At least that's what I think a wife is should feel about her husband serving an assassination attempt. My well-being clearly meant nothing to Amora. She was probably praying that the monster (me) would die so she could finally be happy seeing that it seems all I've successfully done over the past year was make her miserable.

"Are you going to say anything or are you just going to stand there and stare at the same tile all night?" I asked flinching at how cold I sounded but mentally shrugged it off. I wasn't going to feel bad for having an attitude when she was paying no mind to my feelings when she was the first and only person I wanted to see once the doctors left me alone.

"What do you want me to say to you William? How was you're near death experience? I hope you had fun." She shot back her words laced with sarcasm and another emotion I couldn't quite place.

"I know our last conversation happened to be a heated argument but I honestly forgave you once you explained yourself. I allowed my anger to get the best of me and I know the things I said were horrible and I'm sorry ." I said lowly pausing my apology when her glassy brown eyes finally met mine.

"William we are way past the I'm sorry stage. I don't get why you would do something like this to me and now what? You want me to be a happy camper? I refuse to play along with your games anymore William it was a game for you at the beginning and you've treated me like your toy ever since. The least you could've done was warn me...that would've been nice." She whispered a tear rolling down her cheek causing my frown to deepen. I didn't know what she was referring to but I'm pretty sure it was some shit she dug up from the past her usual antics which successfully pissed me off.

"I've done everything in my power to make your life as comfortable and happy as I could manage within this past year Amora. I'm not perfect I know but the least you could've done was accept my flaws I'm a work in progress and I've given you as much love as I could find within me to the point where it scared me. I was afraid that you'd find somebody better than me; someone who's not as messed up as me and I'm sorry that I hurt you Amora I truly am. The only thing I need to warn you about is that I'm never letting go." I said ripping the intravenous needle out of my arm and some of the other wires off of me in an attempt to get closer to her.

All I wanted was to hold her. To feel her skin against mine as I placed soft kisses on her delicate lips. "Don't do that you're not supposed to move you could rip your stitches." She scolded me gently resting her hand on mine to prevent me from taking off the wire for the heart monitor that made an annoying sound. "I love you William but if you claim to love me that much why did you file the papers?" She asked as her fingers gently ran through my outgrown hair.

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