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                                  6 months later

William's P.O.V

Shifting yet again in the seat that seamed comfortable a while ago my eyes nervously bounced around the quaint brick red cottage that sat amidst a beautiful rose garden. If I had a say in the matter simply seeing where she lived would've been good enough but I didn't. I'd bought as much time as I could putting off the moment I've been dreading for the past month. The  confusing mixture of fear and excitement blossomed in my gut as my eyes settled on the red roses that lined a path to the wooden front door.

"Do you want me to get out with you or do you want to do it on your own?" Amora's voice gently quarried moving her hands so her fingers interlocked with mine.

"You can stay here." I said slowly not quite sure if it was what I really wanted. A part of me wanted her beside me but a larger part of me knew that I needed to make the initial move on my own.

"I know that you're nervous William but you have nothing to be worried about. You are an amazing person and she's going to be happy that you chose to meet her even after so many years of living a lie." She cooed before placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Amora you are obligated to say those nice things." I said lowly in an attempt to lighten the mood. Looking up at Amora a sigh quickly pushed past my lips at the fact that she saw right through my act.

"Go on." She gently nagged her attempt closely resembling the words she used to get our daughter to let go of my leg on her first day of preschool.

"Fine." I huffed flinging open the door of the town car straightening my suit as I neared the wooden black door. My pace slowed as the distance between my stiff body and the wooden opening decreased. I grew still in my tracks when the door flew open revealing a petite middle aged woman. Grey shoulder length hair danced freely in the wind that carried the faint scent of newly blossomed roses. Delicate pale skin beautifully accentuated by sapphire gems which glistened under the brilliant light loaned by the summer sun. My slightly shaking hands slid into my pockets as we stood for a brief moment; me taking in as many details of the beautiful woman who stood before me that I've longed to meet for so long. Her, I didn't quite know what was going through her mind as her blue eyes slowly took in my suit cladded frame.

"Is she okay?" She asked her voice soft and delicate. Her words however confusing me. "My apologies Your Highness sister is she okay? Is everything alright?" She clarified her question setting off an unpleasant heat  deep within me. Obviously she didn't know that I knew her and my father's thirty year old secret. It irked me that in a twisted way I expected her to welcome me with open arms and thirty years worth of apologies. I was afraid that somehow I would disappoint her and so I put it off until I was sure that I could've made our meeting as perfect as I could.

Amora didn't know that I'd planned today at least a thousand times in my mind. I'd booked the best restaurant, instructed the florets to prepare the finest bouquets of roses, her favorite flower, seeing that it was the only thing I really knew about her besides her name. Instructed Rose and Maria to be there at a specific time, yet as I stood looking into her desperate eyes I solidified a fact that I had tried to deny. Daisy chose a long time ago and unfortunately she chose Dora. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around how she could willingly abandon not one but three children and live comfortably. Here I was her flesh and blood standing before her and the only concern she had was the well being of her sister.

"She's fine." I answered robotically flinching at the relief and joy that washed over her body causing her blue eyes to intensify in color.

"Thank God!" She sighed resting her hand over her chest dramatically.

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