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Amora's P.O.V

I didn't know where I was going but what I did know was that anywhere would be better than here. I wasn't going to put up with William's behavior anymore. Our last argument a clear indication that he'll never change. Dora said I was being selfish when in reality I was only trying to protect my unborn child. If he could speak to me in that way anytime he gets upset what would stop him from doing the same to our child. I didn't know the answer to that but I wasn't going to stick around to find out.

The only assurance I had came from the torn piece of paper I clutched with an address scribbled onto it and the sleek phone I was given with important numbers stored on it. I chose to ignore my aching heart and focused on the life I had to make for my child and I. Shifting uncomfortably in the leather seat I peered out the small round window into the expanse of blue that was being accented by the bright yellow ball and fluffy white clouds which caused a smile to tug at my lips. I was free. Free to make my own decisions I no longer had to worry about living up to expectations. I was never going to be what he needed nor what he wanted in a woman and I refused to lose myself so he would be able to accept me.

It wasn't a secret that I was never going to be accepted by his mother and sister and in extension the country because of the color of my skin and I didn't want my child to grow up in such an environment no matter who their father was. With me out the picture they could all get what they wanted; someone of higher esteem. Now all I will be is the woman who carried his child a child he'll never have the opportunity to meet if I had anything to do with it.


"Why are you following me?!" I snapped now irritated at the silent bearded man that has been following me ever since I got off the jet a few minutes ago.

"Answer your phone Your Highness." He said calmly before gently taking hold of the small suitcase I was holding.

"Hello." I answered while glaring at the muscular man who blatantly ignored me choosing to look at passersby that went about their business grabbing their bags from the baggage claim carousel.

"Hello my dear how was your flight?" He asked his smooth voice automatically helping me to relax.

"It was okay." I replied tightening my grip on the phone as if it would bring us closer.

"Good. Now by now you should've met Giovani. He's in charge of looking over you and the baby. There's a driver waiting out front for you and he'll carry you to your new home. Call me once you arrive." He rambled in his thick Italian accent.

"Thank you." I forced out trying not to cry.

"It's not a problem my daughter I'll hear from you soon okay chao." He mumbled before ending the call leaving me alone with Giovani. A man who I didn't know and had to trust. He didn't speak much which was something I wasn't sure I was grateful for or not.

"Ready?" He asked catching me off guard as my eyes wondered around the beautifully decorated airport.

"Yes." I answered shortly walking ahead of him taking in the happy faces of the people around me. Exiting the warm air of the airport and into the frosty air made me instantly wish that I'd put on a jacket over my sweater.

"Good evening Your highness and Merry Christmas." A lanky blonde greeted pushing himself off a black SUV.

"My name is Amora not Your highness." I corrected him not wanting to be associated with him and his family.

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