Love & Lost

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Amora's P.O.V

Something was tickling me but I was way too lazy to open my eyes to figure out what it was. It felt good though, whatever it was so maybe I didn't mind. That is until the something bit me!

"Ouch!" I whined tiredly opening my eyes to meet a pair of dark blue ones already looking down at me.

"I didn't hurt you." He said seriously which made me roll my tired eyes.

"Of course you didn't just interrupted my rest." I muttered which caused a breath taking smile to grace his pink lips. Being this close he looked perfect if that was possible. From his evenly tanned complexion  to his oceanic orbs. Perfectly straight nose paired with a dazzling smile.

"I wanted to wake you myself." He muttered against the sensitive skin of my neck.

"Mhhh." I hummed not being able to form a coherent sentence when he started to suck on my skin.

"Amora I...I'm...happy that you're the person carrying my child?" He mused his eyes now focused on my stomach where our child grew. I didn't reply simply because I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what my purpose in life was anymore. What purpose does a woman who's husband married her not because he loved her but because he impregnated her accidentally. Then decided to drag her halfway across  the world out of guilt. I didn't know what my purpose here would be but I did know that I was going to have one of the most important responsibilities ever. I was going to be a mother. And that fact overshadowed every negative thought that I could come up with.

I knew that in a few months it wouldn't matter that I'm in a loveless marriage. Or that I was lied to. Or that I know that  I'm way over my head and it's just a matter of time before everything backfires on me. Or that I was currently laying in bed with a half naked man that clearly didn't love me but for some unknown reason I loved him way more than he gave me reason too. All this wouldn't matter because in a few mouths I would be able to look into a little being's eyes who would love me just as much as I would love and care for him or her.

"Okay?" He asked looking intently at me finally snapping me out of my thoughts. Obviously I didn't  know what he was talking about but that didn't stop me from dumbly agreeing with a quick nod of my head.

"Good now let's get you and our little one something to eat." He muttered lowering his head so his hot lips molded against my now exposed hardened stomach. His action caused me to stiffen not because I was afraid but because I was shocked. He's never done anything like that before he almost never speaks about the life growing inside of me.

"Amora!" Rose shouted barging into the room her raven hair a flying mess. Yet she still managed to pull off the 'just rolled out of bed' look as though it was something straight out of a high profiled catalog.

"God Rose do you ever knock?!?" William questioned clearly annoyed by her actions before rolling off of me and onto his side of the bed.

"Gee I'm sorry papa bear but it's an emergency but maybe you should start locking your door." She said turning away from the burning gaze of her older brother focusing her attention to where I still laid in bed. She just stood there looking at me with a smile on her face which made me a bit uneasy.

"Rose if you're not going to say anything please get out." William grumbled before climbing out of bed putting his naked torso on full display.

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