chapter 10

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After Wendall brother parked in front of the hospital, i ran in. I ran right up to the desk, "Hi, you know where i can find a girl named Lace Williams?" The nursed looked at me. Wes walked in, "Hey Nurse Tina!" His brother smiled, throwing and catching his keys. She smiles back, "Can i see Wes Genero?" please?" "Oh course! He's in room 301." She says. we walk down the seemingly endless halls. "First Wes, then Lace." Wendall nods. "He's pretty beaten down, are you sure?" This is one of the first times i heard Wendall feel something. I looked at him and noticed tears starting to spring up. I nodded. We opened the door, and what i saw made my stomach drop. "Wes!" I exclaim and run to his bedside. His eye was swollen shut, his lips were swollen and he had cuts all down his cheeks, looked like ring imprints. I dared to look away from his face, his arm was bent at a weird angle He has a mask and tubes crowding the rest of his face and he was motionless. I didn't even want to see the rest of his body, something told me it would be worse.

"Hey buddy." Wendall shook his arm. That's when i expected to see Wes open his eyes, but he didn't. He was in a coma, i almost forgot. I could almost picture his eyes lightening up and opening his smile creeping up on his face. But now he looked cold, lifeless. It was scary. "You alright?" his brother asks, I nod, but i not sure i mean it. "You can go, we'll be right there." Wendall says, his voice free of ridicule or sarcasm. I shake my head, but one more look at Wes's body and i feel like i'm going o puke. "Just go to the waiting room, we'll be there soon." I nod. I'm speechless. I start wandering the halls, not even believing how badly this turned out. If only we had stayed in the room. If only i hadn't tried to be the hero for once. This was terrible, and it was all my fault.

I needed to see Lace, my best friend. I start running through the halls even thought i didn't know where i was going. I run into a nurse, knocking papers out of her hand. This was a bad idea, i was instantly regretting it. "Hey, are you ok?" look up and realize it wasn't a nurse, it was Lace's sister Meghan. "Meghan!" I say, hugging her. He hugged back, she had always been a big sister to me. "Have you seen her?" She asks me. I shake my head, letting tears flow freely. "I think that it's time for you to go see her now, She'd like that." I nod, feeling like a little kid again. I hated it, i hated this feeling but it was also a comfort to have someone hold me again.

Meghan led me into Lace's hospital room, she had just come from it so she dropped me off because she needed to get home. Lace's dad wasn't part of her life and i had barely met her mother. Meghan was pretty much Lace's mom figure. I sat in the chair by Lace's side. She was asleep, and i didn't want to wake her. The truth was, Lace was always the pretty one. She was really beautiful and smart, she was fashionable. I was taller than her, sure, but she always was more liked. But she was nice also, but that was usually hidden by her sarcastic overtone. I had the same one, but i was usually the one people came to more often. Lace's hair was short and dark, mine was long and dyed.

She looked peaceful laying in the bed. Despite her being hooked up to monitors and oxygen tubes she found a way to lay on her side. It couldn't be safe, but she had managed to do it. i could only see one bullet, it was in her shoulder. I guessed one was in her side and one was in her leg. I got shot in the side and the arm, i was still in a sling and the bullet didn't hit anything important in my side. But i could tell it was different with her.

"Hey." She said, jumping me. "Oh, hey." I looked at the time, it had been about two hours. How did time go that fast? "How's Wes?" She asks. It took me a while to register. "What?" "My sister won't tell me and he hasn't come to visit me." What should i say? Should i lie to her, because telling her would hurt her. What would that do to her? "Oh, uh..." I trail off. "Is he dead?" Her eyes go wide. "Uh..." I don't know what to say. She looked so worried, i just want to tell her that he's fine and that he's just worked up over James. But that would require me to tell her about James. "He's..." "He's dead isn't he!" "NO! Lace, i'm sorry he's just... not functional right now." She sighs with relief but still seems un-easy.

Hey! I am so sorry for not updating. This story might take a different turn and might get another name.
Also, i might be publishing another story that is a drama like this one that i have been working on for a long time. Should I publish it?
One more thing, if any of you guys have published stories, i would love to read them so just comment below what they are called and i'll check them out!
And hopefully i'll update on time next week! XD bye!

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