Walking into prom be like...

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*Zachs POV*
Morgan and I just arrived at prom.
We gave the people our tickets and walked into a huge building with disco lights and blaring music.
Morgan got closer to me and had her left arm wrapped around me as we kept walking.
*Morgans POV*
As soon as we walked into the building I regretted even coming.
I felt nervous and scared so I just clung to Zach's side.
I saw Sam and he saw me.
He is such a pig I hate him so much.
what he did was wrong.
Boo came up to me.
Zach never let me go once.
'Dude have u seen Sam he has a bunch of those brats surrounding him!'
'The creepy part was that he had been looking over toward our side of the room the hole time till u walked in!'
'Do u not realize he was looking for u Hun!'
'Whatever he was probably just looking at ur a*s.'
'Wow!shocker you said that cuz I ain't got nothing there '
'Haha true.'
'Head over heels walking this way' Zach said.
Boo and I both looked at him.
I mean he did look cute in that tux and all but still no.
I un hooked from Zach and whispered in Boo's ear.
'Keep him away from me or he is going to have a black eye!'
I walked over to Austin.
'Well hi gorgeous.'
'Hi sorry your date is now my bodyguard for tonight.'
'Haha you gotta love her.'
'Just let me talk to her!'
Me and Austin looked right at Boo and Zach.
Sam shoved Boo that's it!
I ran over toward them and punched Sam right in the jaw, and pretty hard to.
He had his hand on his jaw.
'Sam you will never lay a hand on Boo and I mean NEVER!'
I started walking away when he grabbed my arm and twirled me around and looked into my eyes.
Leaned it and kissed my lips until I shoved him off of me.
'No no you don't deserve to be able to kiss me all you have don't is caused trouble and I don't want that Sam just leave me alone forever'
I walked away out to the garden.
I sat in the bench and put my face into my hands.
Zach came out after me.
He sat next to me and rocked me side to side to calm me down.
I looked up at him.
He smiled weakly.
He took his thumb and fixed my makeup.
We sat there in silence just looking at each other.
I reached up and hugged him tightly.
We walked back into the school gymnasium.
We started dancing.
I laid my head on his chest.
I heard him chuckle.
'What's so funny?'
He then lowered himself to my hight and lifted me buy putting his arms just below my bum.
'I've never been up this high.'
He chuckled again.
He let me slip until I was right at face level.
He smiled and laughed so did I .
I leaned in and he did to at the same time.
Our lips crashed together.
We pulled back and just stood there looking at each other.
We heard an hoot and hollers he looked over to see Austin,Boo,robert and Alex.
I was blushing like crazy and hid my face in Zach's neck.
Morgan ran out after we kissed.
That dude she was with ran after here.
That girl I shoved and he boyfriend host looked at me.
'She liked you and you broke that chance Sam.'
I saw that dude lift her up and they started talking.
He let loose of her for a few so she was not face level with him.
They kissed that really hurt.
I liked here and she just kissed.
The people were now announcing the prom queen and queen.
It was Morgans friend and Morgans brother I'm pretty sure.
It was Allie and Shawn.
Everyone cheered loudly.
They had their dance then I left the school heading home.

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